the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York



"T" is for "Tsedakah"
Take The "Kinder" To The Park... And Leave Them There?
Take Your “Tateh-Mameh” To Work Day
Taking The "Ik" Out Of Mikveh
Tales from the Front Stoop
Tales From "The Vaytik Room" (Or) Physician, Heal Somebody Else
"Tantsn Mit" The Stars
Targeting The Illness
"Tashen Zeyger" Stories
Tata, Won't You Dance With Me?
Taksi Stories
Teach me Yiddish Vort
Tefillin Terrorist?
Temple Bingo A "Gut" Way To Raise Money
Test Taking with a Sense of Humor
Thanksgiving 2007
Thanksgiving mit the Romano's
This Thanksgiving, Let’s Be “Dankbar”--Thankful pdf
This Thanksgiving You Can Mess With The Food Maven, Arthur Schwartz pdf
Thanksgiving With “Bobe” (Grandma) pdf
Thanksgiving With The Cast Of “Everybody Loves Raymond” Let’s Shmues--Chat pdf
The Allan Sherman Trivia Quiz
The "Anderer Froy" (The Other Woman)
The “Ayz Emer” (The Ice Bucket) Challenge
The Big Wedding - In 2013
The Case Of The Missing "Diment Ring" pdf
The Difference Between Mamale And Dad
The “Elektronish Post” Before And After The Marriage pdf
The "Feye" (Fairy) Godmother
The Four H's
The Halvah Man
The Hazon Jewish Food Conferencepdf
The Ice Man [No Longer] Cometh... "Kindhayt" (Childhood) Memories
The Importance Of Details
The Invalid Mezuzah...and Other Stories
The Jeans Test
The Joys and Woes of Work
The Kids Are All Right... But The Family Is In A "Krisis"
The "Kinderlakh" Who Can't Say No Crave Treats As An "Dervaksener"
The Marriage "Krizis" (Crisis) What Do We Do About  A "Kurtse Zivegshaft"?
The Nanny" For Senator Such "Narishkayt
The New "Zunoylgang," Zun-Untergang" (Sunrise/Sunset)
The Nose Knows Women, Men, Comedy And Plastic Surgery pdf
The Number "Zibn" (7)
The "Potty Mouth" Is Gone
The Pinkes More Than Just A Journal
The Plaint of the Jewish Office "Arbeter
The Poor And The Rich, In The Bath They Are Both Equal
The Poshet Life
The Prayer ("Di Tfile")
The Pushcart Business From Anatevka To The Mall Of America pdf
The "R" Word...It Isn't "Rugelach"
The Rick Santorum S.a.t. (Such A Tacky) Sweater Vest Exam
The "S" Word In Fashion: Seersucker!
The "S" Word...and It Isn't "Schmaltz"
The Scoop On “Eys Krem” And Politics pdf
The September 11 "Telefon" (Telephone) Call
The Sermon
The "Shporevdik" Woman
The "T" is for Torture
The “Tsen” (10) Commandments Of “Etiket”
The 10-Question Chicken Soup Quiz
The  "Tselularer Telefon" Faux-Pas
The Tson Fairy
The Tummler Quiz
The 2010 Yiddish Version of the "Driving Instructor"
The Will to Live
The World's Most "Erliekh" City
The "Zup" Nazi Man Returns
Theodore Bikel Trivia Quiz pdf
There's No "Doubt" The Power Of Gossip Is Harmful
These Are a Few of My Favourite "F" Words
"Things You'll Probably Never Hear a Jewish Woman Say"
This Ban Takes “Der Otem” (The Breath) Away: A Smoke-Free Carmen
3-Minutes Of Therapy Don't "Hakn A Tshaynik"
37 Things A Jewish Mother Should Never Say In The Office
To Borrow
To Circumcise Or Not To Circumcise: That Is The Question
To Kvetch Or Not To Kvetch? That Is The Kvetchtion
To Nag Or Not To Nag, That Is The Question
To Tza Tza Gabor,Madoff Is No "Dahling"
Too "Alt" (Old) For Newt's Lunar Settlement; Too "Yung" (Young) For Medicare
ToneCheck for Jews
Top 10 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Doesn't Want News Media to Cover Some of Her Speeches
Top 10 Statements About The Forthcoming Revival Of "Funny Girl"
Top 10 Yiddish Expressions For The First Family
Top 10 Yiddish Words Used By William Safire
"Toyt Fun A Salesman" (Death Of A Salesman) Is Coming This Fall pdf
Travel "Eytse" (Advice) From A - Z
"Tsen" (10) Letters, Notes And Press Releases
“Tsuris” Vs. “Ajita”
"Tsvantsik" (20) Years Of Judge Judy pdf
“Tsvey” (2) Things A Waitress Doesn’t Want To Hear: “Is The Tip Included?” and “I’m Not Paying For Such A Meal!” pdf
"Tweet Seats" At The Opera  And Other Musical Stories
Tweeting, Letter Writing and Scathing Written Reviews
20 Questions* For Eliot Spitzer
Twitter Has "Tsuris": It Faces A Lawsuit From Tweety Bird
Two Stories for 2007

Search for Stories Beginning with the Letter
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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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