the schmooze

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Feeling "krank"? No flu shot available? Why not hurry over to Target for treatment. Some Target stores offer "di minut" (The Minute) Clinic, where people can get treated for common ills like strep throat and "oyer" (ear) infections. For the cost of approximately $44, the store will provide high quality care. And the best news of all: "der patsyent" can get a pager and can shop while they wait.

Will the physicians be able to diagse esoteric diseases, those illnesses intelligible only to those with special knowledge? Some examples include "Fetal Attraction"--obsessions in utero, "One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Safire's Syndrome"--the urge to correct, and "Clicker disease," that strange ailment unique to male owners of the remote control for the television.

Since Jewish patients suffer unique problems, the Target physician may have some difficulty diagnosing these problems:

Chaiatal Hernia
Elderly Jewish men who get hernias from wearing chais which are too heavy

2nd Avenue Deli Syndrome
Fear that "der budzhet" will not enable you to mail 5 servings of flanken at a cost of $75 (plus $48.75 for overnight shipping) to your son in Gadsden, Alabama

Yiddish S-word Syndrome
Fear that you'll fill your "moyl," pucker your lips, push "di tsung" against the hard palate, and spray your future mother-in-law in an attempt to say the following colorful "s" words:  shikker, schmattes, schlumperdik, and shvigger.

"Kravat" Syndome
Concern that "der dokter" is wearing a tie that, if tested, would prove positive for   disease-carrying microorganism.

Family Circle/Cousins' Club Phobia
Fear that your monthly family meeting will resemble the gatherings of the Devorah Faiga Jake Club, Jerry Stiller's Family Circle.

"There was food, card playing and discussion.  In the middle of the evening of schmoozing and camaraderie, the bedroom door opened and a man dressed in a woman's fur coat, a lady's hat on his head and a rose in his mouth, burst into the living room singing the flower song from Bizet's Carmen." ("Married To Laughter" by Jerry Stiller)

Airline Flight Rules Phobia
Fear that the ISRAIR'niks were serious when they announced:  "Don't forget to take all your personal belongings, including spouses and children.  Anything left behind will be distributed among the flight attendants.  The last passenger off the plane will clean up."

"Tsuriktsien zikh" (to retire)
Appehensive feeling about turning 65 and being forced to retire.  "Der patsyent" walks around the waiting room quoting George Burns:  "Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous.   When I was sixty-five I still had pimples."

Merry Maids Syndrome
Fear that your cleaning help will leave you right before Passover and you'll be forced to hire help from the company which placed the following ad:

Madonna Sydrome
 Fear that your 5 year-old daughter will want to change her name from "Madison" to "Esther."

Computer Glitch Syndrome
Fear that you'll experience the identical scene from Episode 2, Season 8 of the Friends TV show:

[Scene:  The Hotel Lobby, Rchel and Phoebe are at the front desk checking out]

   Rachel:  "Listen y'know what sir?  For the last time, I don't care what the computer says, we
   did not take a bag of Mashuga nuts from the mini-bar.."

Job Title Phobia
Fear that your son's business card will read, "Doctor, CUO (CHIEF UNDERWEAR OFFICER) for Joe Boxer, and Manager of Mischief

Jewish "Bukh" Club Phobia
Fear that you will be unable to choose next month's selection.  You can't decide between "Einstein Never Used Flash Cards" by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, "Never Nosh A Matzo Ball" by Sharon Kahn, or "Fresh Elastic for Stretched   Out Moms" by Barbara Johnson.

Color Code Confusion
Concern that you will not know what color alert is on for today and you can't decide whether to buy more duct tape or to attend your monthly meeting of the Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler ("Let the Good Times Roll").

Red Bendl Syndrome
You're  "tsemisht."  Is a "bendel" a knotted red string worn by devotees of Jewish mysticism...or a relation to Henri?

Jewish Guilt Syndrome
Patient is simply fed up with hearing her mom ask, "From that you make a living?" and "Eat like that and you hink you will live to be a 'hundert'?"

"Shvarts-yohr-nik" (a black year-nik) "dershlogn" (depression) caused by being unable to afford to purchase "eyns" (one) share of Google stock.

Jewish Museum Stomach
Within two hours, tops, of entering The Jewish Museum, the Ellis Island Museum, or the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the patient will be "hungerik" (hungry), and "dorshtik" (thirsty), and, since Museum   Stomach works in tandem with Museum Legs, the patient will need to "zetsn zikh" (sit down).

Mrs. Paul's Bunions
Foot disorder caused by massive ingestion of kosher fish sticks purchased from The Flatbush Food Coop on Cortelyou Road in Brooklyn.

Depression brought on by hearing Yiddish romantic "muzik."

Yentl Syndrome
Once a woman showed that she was just like a man, by having severe coronary disease, or a myocardial infarction, THEN she was treated as a man would be.

Crossword puzzle phobia
Fear that one cannot complete a Stanley Newman crossword puzzle which asks:
    l across  "mensch"   (8 letters)

Chronic Hanukkah crankiness, brought on by the desire to make every holiday "pasirung" (event) a perfect Kodak moment, suitable for framing.

"A View From the Bimah Syndrome"
Inability to peer out at those attending services and decipher many of the conversations taking place.  Ex. "Did Barbara Davilman ("Yiddish with Dick and Jane") define FARBLONDGET as follows:

Lost, confused, wandering around, while astray.  "I go to Starbucks for a lousy cup of coffee, I take one look at the grande this and vente that, with the macchiato and the caramel latte cream, I get totally farblondjet."

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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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