the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York



Yiddish Back-to-School Quiz
A - Z Yiddish Guide To Fyvush Finkel
Yiddish Guide To “A Gute Neshome" Rabbi Marc Gellman
The Yiddish Guide To Actor/Tenor/Vocalist, Mandy Patinkin
Yiddish Guide to "Advokat," Alan Dershwitz
Yiddish Guide To American Stand-up "Komiker"/"Aktyor" Judy Gold
Yiddish Guide To Andy Borowitz (1958 - )
Yiddish Guide To Anthony Weiner
Yiddish Guide To Bel Kaufman
Yiddish Guide To Bette Midler
Yiddish Guide To Bette Midler pdf
Yiddish Guide To  Boca Raton pdf
Yiddish Guide To Comedienne, Sarah Bernhard
Yiddish Guide To Comedian, Shmuel Breban pdf
Yiddish Guide To Don Rickles--the King Of Insult
The Yiddish Guide to Dr. Ruth
Yiddish Guide To Elizabeth Taylor 1932 - 2011
Yiddish Guide To Fanny Brice 1891-1951
Yiddish Guide To "Fifty Shades Of Grey"
Yiddish Guide To Flamboyant Iris Apfel pdf
Yiddish Guide To Funnyman, Carl Reiner
Yiddish Guide To Hillary Clinton pdf
Yiddish Guide to Jack Carter pdf
Yiddish Guide To Jackie Collins pdf
Yiddish Guide To Jackie Mason
Yiddish Guide To Jerry Stiller
Yiddish Guide To Joan Hamburg "New York Radio's First Lady"pdf
Yiddish Guide To Jon Stewart
Yiddish Guide To Judge Judy (1942 -  )
Yiddish Guide to Judith Leiber
Yiddish Guide To "Komike," Joan Rivers: Matzo, Aging, Spring Cleaning
Yiddish Guide To “Komiker” Freddie Roman
Yiddish Guide To Larry David pdf
Yiddish Guide To Larry King
Yiddish Guide to Lawyer Laura A. Wasser, The Disso Queen pdf
Yiddish Guide To Lawyer, Sanford (Sandy) Rubenstein pdf
Yiddish Guide To Mandy Patinkin
Yiddish Guide to Marlene Sanders pdf
Yiddish Guide To Marty Ingels pdf
Yiddish Guide To Mel Brooks (Melvin Kaminsky)
Yiddish Guide To Michael M. Bloomberg
Yiddish Guide to Michael Cohen pdf
Yiddish Guide To Mike Nichols 1931-2014 pdf
Yiddish Guide To Molly Goldberg and "The Goldbergs"
Yiddish Guide To Neil Sedaka
Yiddish Guide To Nora Ephron
Yiddish Guide to Nora Ephrom (1941 - 2012) pdf
Yiddish Guide To Norm Crosby (Aka "Mr. Malaprop)
Yiddish Guide To Oscar De La Rentapdf
Yiddish Guide To Phil Rosenthal, Creator Of “Everybody Loves Raymond”pdf
Yiddish Guide To Phyllis Diller 1917 - 2012 pdf
Yiddish Guide To Pop Idol, Eddie Fisher (1928 - 2010)
Yiddish Guide To Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D. pdf
Yiddish Guide To Rabbi Marc Schneier (AKA “Rabbi To The Stars”)
Yiddish Guide To Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Yiddish Guide To Singer, Michael Feinstein pdf
Yiddish Guide To Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Yiddish Guide To The Catskills- A Trip Down Memory Lane
Yiddish Guide To The Carnegie Deli
Yiddish Guide To The Humor Of Bob Hope 1903 - 2003
Yiddish Guide To The Humor Of Henny Youngman 1906-1998
Yiddish Guide To The Humor Of Rob Reiner
Yiddish Guide To The Iconic Comedy Program, “The Late Show,” New York (New Yawk).....or L.a.?
Yiddish Guide To The Jewish Hairstyling Pioneer, Vidal Sassoon 1928 - 2012
Yiddish Guide To The Jokes And Quotes Of David Brenner
Yiddish Guide To The Late Comic, Jan Murray
Yiddish Guide To Toronto's Mayor, Rob Ford
Yiddish In 'Der Oytomobile' Showroom
Yiddish "Mit" Jerry and Anne
Yiddish Quiz For Bibliophiles
The Yiddish SAT
Yiddisher Mama Shares a List of Great Christmas Lies
Yiddish Texting Code
Yiddishkeit In The Catskills
Yizkor:  It Completes The Story Of Our Lives; It Helps Us Make Time To Remember
Yom Kippur And The New York Times
You Can't Mess With Zagat - Have the 2nd Avenue Deli Cater Your Thanksgiving Dinner
You Gotta Have Harts
You Have Reached The "Khanike" Hotline
You Say "Epl" And I Say Apple: Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
You Want To Learn Yiddish? Read Joseph Dorinson’s Book, “Kvetching And Shpritzing pdf
You're Not The Only One Who Is Meshuge
Your Baby's First "Akhtsik" (80)Years
Your Way, My Way, Frumway

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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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