the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Rob Reiner is a famous American “aktyor” (actor).  He is well known for his roles in “Postcards From The Edge,” “Primary Colors,” and “The First Wives Club.”

Here’s a Yiddish guide to Reiner:

“geboyrn-tog” (birthday)
Reiner was born on March 6, 1947, in the Bronx.  His parents were actor/director, Carl Reiner, and jazz singer, Estelle Reiner.

“kindhayt” (childhood)
Rob lived in New Rochelle, New York, as a child.  When he was 13, his family moved to L. A.  He attended Beverly Hills High School.  Reiner stated that his childhood was not observantly Jewish; he did have a Bar Mitzvah.

“khasene” (marriage)
Reiner is married to Michelle Singer Reiner since 1989.  They have three children together.

His first marriage was to Penny Marshall (1971-1981).  They divorced in 1981.  Reiner became a stepfather to Tracey, Michelle’s daughter from a previous marriage.
“eyniklekh” (grandchildren)
Reiner has 5 grandchildren.

“vitsik”  (witty)
“eydem” (son-in-law)
Reiner co-starred in the witty, “All in the Family,” from 1971 - 1978.  He won two Emmy awards for his role as Michael Stivic, the liberal son-in-law of the prejudiced Archie Bunker.  Archie called him “Meathead.”

By putting them out in the open, “All in the Family” helped destroy many of the cultural, racial and gender biases that so dominated the American landscape before the 1970s.

“kats iberkukh” (CAT scan)
“tveet”  (tweet)
Reiner tweeted, “I am scheduled to have a cat scan even though I tell the doctor that I have never owned or even petted a cat in years.”  (quote)

“krank” (sick)
In New York, seeing President Truman riding in a motorcade, I said, to Fred Allen, “Truman looks sick.”  Fred said, “He caught it from the country.” (quote)

“farrikhtn” (to fix)
“ripal virkung” (ripple effect)
“Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself.  And that’s a lot.  Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.”   (quote)

“klug” (smart)
“I think Jews are the smartest people in the world.”  (quote)

“kindhayt” (childhood)
“neytmer” (nightmare)
“Every single person in jail for a violent crime had a nightmare childhood.” (quote)

 “igzosting”   (exhausting)
“I know how sobering and exhausting parenthood is.  But the reality is that our children’s future depends on us as parents.  Because we know that the first years truly last forever.”   (quote)

 “fray”   (independent)
“I love working with my dad [Carl Reiner], but I need to be independent and do my own stuff.”       (quote)

“neshome”  (soul)
“I hate those movies where hundreds of people get blown up and there are jokes afterward.  They poison the soul.”  (quote)

“konfusing”  (confusing)
“Usually I don’t act in movies that I direct because it’s kind of confusing.” (quote)

 “sheitel”/”shaytl”  (hairpiece)
“The idea of playing a part where I get to wear a completely undetectable hairpiece...You can’t walk away from that.” (quote)

 “hant haltn” (hand holding)
“You work with every actor differently.  It’s like if you’re a mother, if you have children, some children need more discipline  Other children you back off of a little and let them be.  It’s the same way with actors. Some actors need a lot of hand holding.  Other actors like to be let be and you let them go.  Some actors need to be nudged just a little bit. Some actors don’t mind line readings.”   (quote)

“maysterverk” (masterpiece)
Reiner considers “Stand By Me” his masterpiece and favorite film.

 “orgazm”   (orgasm)
Reiner’s mom, Estelle Reiner, may be remembered as the “elter” (older) lady in the film, “When Harry Met Sally”  She is in the deli and says, “I’ll have what she’s having” after Sally fakes an orgasm. 

“psitshologikal” (psychological)
Reiner directed the film, “Misery” in 1990, a psychological thriller based on a Steven King novel.

 “shtern”   (star)
In October 1999, Reiner was recognized for his considerable contributions to the film industry, with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It is placed directly next to his father’s star.

“glaykh reyts” (equal rights)
Reiner is the co-founder of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which initiated the court challenge against CAlifornia Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in the state.

“emer rshimh” (bucket list)
“terminalli krank” (terminally-ill) In 2007, Reiner directed “The Bucket List,” starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as two terminally-ill men trying to fulfill “altsding” (everything) they wish to do before they die.

“nan nuts” (non-profit)
Reiner and his wife, together with Ellen Gilbert, formed the “I Am Your Child Foundation” in 1997.  This non-profit organization is committed to advancing the interests of early childhood, development services, including health care, parent education and intervention for families at risk.

“papiros shtayer” (cigarette tax)
Reiner initiated a cigarette tax in 1998, which would then be used for early childhood development programs.  The ballet was passed by a slim margin.

“sitkom” (sitcom)
In 1972, Reiner, Phil Mishkin and Gerry Isenberg created the sitcom, “The Super for ABC.”  The program starred Richard S. Castellano, a harried American superintendent of a NYC building.  It ran for 10 episodes.

“tsu reytsn” (to mock)
Rob Reiner’s method of filming “Spinal Tap” (which was filmed in a mere 25 days), involved a series of interviews and footage told in a faux-documentary style.  It became known as “mockumentary.”  (Its influence can be seen in the comedy, “Modern Family.”)

Ex.  It is late July or early August...You are driving your daughter to her new college dormitory.  She is beginning her Freshman year in college and she will be away from home.  As in the TV program, MODERN FAMILY, you are concerned about your little girl who is growing up too fast.

Tell her to tell her boyfriend:  “No chuppa, no schtuppa.”

“What does that mean?” she asks.

My reply to my daughter:  “It’s like the old adage:  “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk free?”

Advice:  Do NOT give the milk FREE!!! Go for the chuppa first.”

“korb fal” (basket case)
The Jewish Business News (Dec. 15, 3013) reported that Rob Reiner was called in to both produce and direct a new TV series, “Basket Case.” The show will follow an obituary (“nekrolog”) reporter who finds interesting crimes and unusual deaths. 

“Nobel Priz” (Nobel Prize)
One of the most famous quotes that Reiner made during his career was that, “If I were ever to be awarded a Nobel Prize, then the headlines would scream out, “MEATHEAD WINS THE NOBEL PRIZE.”


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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