the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York



A $700-billion Bailout Package: "Genug Iz Genug"
A Cockamamy Ruling
A “Beybi Maidel”...Named “Max”
A Banished Word List for "Der Yid"?
A Bisele Glik
A Chronology of Bullying pdf
A "Diete" Is A Weigh Of Life
A Few Father’s Day Stories pdf
A Four-Word Epitaph
A "Ganef" At Auschwitz
A "Ganef" In Henrico, VA
Guide To The Catskills--Part II pdf
A Gute Neshome
"A Gute Neshome" Bag Lady
A “Heym” Fit For “Di Malke” pdf
A is for Abecedarian
"A" is for "Adolph"
A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste
A Mother's Day Chronology
A “Musey” Of Broken Relationships pdf
A My Name Is Ada My Husband's Name Is...... "Ikh Fargesn"
A New Book Which Starts With “Khreyn” pdf
A New "Vort" (Word): "Tebowing"
A Popular "Vort" (Word): "Unfriend"
A Picture "Knepl" For Paul
A Quiz For A Sweet New Year pdf
A "Shaynem Dank" for Calling About the Stop the Sag Campaign
"A Shreklekhe Zakh." (A Terrible Thing) Doctors Need To Improve Their Bedside Manner
"A Shvartze Chaseneh" (A Black Wedding)
A Suggested "Bucket List" For Jews
A War with Di Tsung
A Wedding In A Funeral Home "Ver Volt Dos Geglaibt?"
A Wedding Meal for the Orem
A Woman's "Kholem" (Dream): Two Humorous Stories
A You're Adorable B You're A "Boychick"
A Yiddisher "Tateh" Tackles Difficult Questions pdf
Abbott & Costello: Lou Costello Wants To Buy A "Kompyuter" 
Advice: Adults Must Read To "Der Kinder"
Advice: Cancel Your "Kredit-Kartl" Before You Die
Advice For Daddy-To-Be, Al D'Amato
Advice For Dr. Phil
Advice From A Florida "Snowbird"
Advice To Teachers & Administrators
Aggressive Costumed Characters Are A Nuisance pdf
Anatevka: The Fictional City I Would Most Like To Inhabit pdf
Antoyshung for Orthodox Jew on Season 5 Of the Apprentice
"Aktsent"* Or No"Aktsent,"She's Still A Yiddishe Mamme
Acceptable "F" Words
Advertising to the Jewish Airline "Pasazhir"
Al & Tipper Separate After "Fertsik" (40) Years Of Marriage
Alaskan "Kompyuter" Terms For Sarah Palin
All I Want For Hanukkah Is A $449.99 Parrot Behop Drone And A Blahnik [Shoe] Menorah pdf
Allen Sherman and Roney Plaza Hotel pdf
"Altsding" (Everything) I Know About Running A Small
Ambien...With A Side Of Rugelach
...and Have a "Gliklekh"* Cholesterol-Free Thanksgiving
An Aspirin For "Makherayke" (Contraception)? "Lekherlekh" (Ridiculous)
Andy Rooney Is About To "Tsuriktsien Zikh"
Ann Landers Speaks A "Bisel" Yiddish
Amal and George Clooney Are Having "Tsviling"pdf
Applying For A Job? Some Advice
Are "Looks-Challenged" People Discriminated At Work?
Are We "Raykh" (Rich)?
Are You a "Gantser K'nacker"?
Are You a "Kikh" (Kitchen) Stranger?
Are You a Weiner
Are You About To "Graduirt Fun Koledzh"? Here's Some Advice
Are You And Your Spouse "Krankayt-compatable?"
Are You Going To Be "Festive Frugal"?
Are You  Going To Be "Festively Frugal" This Hanukkah?
Are You Moyredik
Asssorted “Chachkeles” In Wolf Point, Montana pdf
At The Olympics, Just Tell A British Woman She's A Tasty Piece Of Crumpet
Atonement Starts With A 13.5 "Minut" Speech
"Ayzkrem" (Ice Cream) Larry King Knows The Scoop

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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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