the schmooze

How "umgliklekh" (unfortunate)
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

al and tipper goreYes, "barimt" (famous) couples divorce all the time. As Ellen McCarthy wrote, but "no more than 1% of all divorces occur after 40 years of marriage."

Al and Tipper have made the headlines for many years:

   Among the highlights:  Gore says:  "In
   public restrooms, I dry my hands
   naturally by using only time."  "I eat one
   locally-sourced meal a week."  I do not
   shop except for essentials."  "I own some
   second-hand/re-use clothing."  "I hang
   dry my laundry."

   by John Marchese

   By Rev. Louis P. Sheldon

   Washington Post

What do we know about Al and Tipper Gore?

.  "aparat" (camera)
   Throughout their marriage, Tipper Gore
   was almost never without a camera
   photographing her family and official
   events in this country and overseas.

.  "blitz post"/"elektronish post" (e-mail)
   The news is out:  Just weeks after cele-
   brating their 40th anniversary, Al and
   Tipper e-mailed their friends that they're
   splitting.  Their "blitzpost" said, "This is
   a very mutual and mutually supportive
   decision that we have made together
   following a process of long and careful

.  "bord" (beard)
   The New York Post said about Al Gore's
   beard:  It's "scrawny and grey - patched."
   The Boston Herald wrote, "It might cover
   up some of the added chin heft of his
   remored post-election weight gain."  The
   only "kompliment" (compliment) came
   from USA Today, which suggested that
   the beard "helps Gore appear more
   relaxed and less wooden."

.  "bukh" (book)
   Tipper, 'the Surgeon General of Rock and
   Roll,' published a book in response to
   lyrics and popular rock and roll music at
   the time.

.  "documentary"
   Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient
   Truth" was the third most successful
   documentary ever released at the box

.  "garderob" (wardrobe apparel)
   An adviser convinced Al Gore to shift his
   wardrobe to earth-toned clothing.

.  "getray" (faithful)
   Claire Shipman of NBC speculated that
   Gore's kiss sent a message ("yedie").  It
   signaled that Gore (unlike some
   presidents we know) is a faithful husband

.  "glaykh" (equal)
   "When my sister and I were growing up,"
   Mr. Gore told a small audience made up
   mostly of women, "there was never any
   doubt in our minds that men and women
   were equal, if not more so."
   (Source:  NY Times, 8/12/00)

.  "guf" (body) gestures
   According to Richard Green (5/2/06),
   "The Transformation of Al Gore"), Gore's
   non-verbals were horrible.
   His voice always punctuated the wrong
   His voice always went up or down on the
   wrong word.
   His tone was always that of someone
   giving a "performance" rather than the
   FDR, JFK, Reagan or Clinton-esque"
   His body gestures were either too much
   or too little and usually out of "sync."

.  "heym" (home)
   The Gores own homes in Arlington, VA,
   Nashville, Montecito, CA, and a condo at
   the St. Regis condo/hotel in San

.  hypocrisy
   According to the Nashville press, the
   Gores shelled out about $30,000 in energy
   bills last year.  That's about 12 times
   more than the average home.  The Gores
   use more energy in a single month in that
   one mansion than most of us use in a
   year.  Their home, a 10,000 square foot
   mansion in the Belle Meade neighbor-
   hood in Nashville, is sometimes called
   "carbon neutral."

   And Al, who preaches conservation,
   consumes tens of thousands of gallons of
   jet fuel ("brenvarg") on the way to speak-
   ing engagements.  (Source:  HOF blog)

.  "internets" (internet)
   Al Gore claimed to have invented the
   internet.  Gore actually said, "During my
   service in the United States Congress, I
   took the initiative in creating the

.  "kaledz"/"kaledzh"  (college);
   "universitet" (university)
   Al Gore attended Harvard University from
   1965 to 1969, the only college he applied
   to.   Tipper went to Boston University and
   majored in "psikhologye" (Psychology).

.  "khasene" (married)
   The Gores were married on May 19, 1970,
   at the Washington Cathedral.

.  "kinderlekh" (children)
   The Gores have 4 children and 3 grand-

.  "kindhayt" experience (childhood)
   Tipper's parents were divorced.  She said
   (1993) that her childhood experience
   "created an early awareness" of the plight
   of others:  "Growing up with divorce is
   not easy  but it has given me plenty of
   empathy for people who might be going
   through less-than-perfect lives."
.  "komish" (funny)
   Someone said, "Al Gore is a funny guy.
   And, for his $175,000 speaking fee, he tells
   this story:  After leaving the White House
   and heading back to Tennessee sans
   motorcade--"in a rented Ford Taurus,"
   he sniffs--he and Tipper stop to get a bite
   at Shoney's, "which, as you may know, is a
   low-cost ("bilik") family restaurant."  "The
   people in the restaurant" made a huge
   fuss...over Tipper."  Then, a man spies
   Gore and stage-whispers, "Didn't he used
   to be the Vice President?  He's fallen so
   low."  Peals of delight ("tayneg") from the
   audience.  Gore smiles back.  It's a nice

. kush" (kiss)
   Who can forget the 3-second kiss that Al
   Gore shared with Tipper onstage at the
   Democratic National Convention after his
   nomination for the presidency.  Gore said,
   "That kiss certainly was not calculated.
   Just ask my daughter, Karenna, and she'll
   tell you that, that kind of kissing goes on
   around the house all the time."  The
   following headline appeared in The
   Nation (Aug. 20, 2000):  "When A Kiss
   Isn't Just A Kiss."

.  "milkhome" (war)
   Al Gore was shipped off to war in Vietnam
   in 1971.

.  "more-shkhoyre" (depression/sadness)
   In 1999, Tipper announced that after
   years of battling depression ("dershlogn")
   she has finally recovered.  (The Yiddish
   word meaning to recover is "tsurikkrign.")

.  "muzik" (music)
   In the mid-1980s, Tipper led a campaign
   to limit access to rap music and other
   recordings with explicit lyrics or content.

.  Nobel Prize
   Al Gore won a Nobel Prize, an Oscar and
   an Emmy for his work on the environ-

.  "nomen" (name)
   Mary Elizabeth received the nickname,
   Tipper, by her mother, from one of her
   favorite childhood lullaby's, "Tippy Tippy

.  "poyk" (drum)
   In 1999, after befriending Frank Zappa's
   widow, Gail, Tipper played drums and
   sang backup on a recording by daughter,
   Diva Zappa.

. "profesor" (professor)
  Al Gore was on the faculty of Middle
  Tennessee State University as a visiting
  professor.  He was also a part-time visiting
  "profesor" at the Columbia Graduate
  School of Journalism in 2001.  He taught a
  non-credit seminar called "Covering
  National Affairs in the Information Age."

.  "psikhologye" (psychology)
   Christ Matthews ("Scarborough Country")
   said that former VP, Al Gore, developed "a
   psychological problem" after his defeat in
   the 2000 presidential election.  Rather
   than "stay[ing] in the action" politically
   after the election loss, Matthews said
   Gore "went off and grew that beard and
   got weird" and "act[ed] like a man who'd
   been marooned, or cast away, or

.  "redn" (to talk)
   Since Gore's nonelection, he has become
   a millionaire many times over.  He
   receives six-figure speaking gigs, and has
   become an insider at two of the hottest
   companies:  Google and Apple.

   "Er ken dikh tsen mol koyfn un farkoyfn."
   (He's a very wealthy man.  He can buy and
   sell you ten times over.)

.  "roman" (novel/book)
   Al Gore once claimed his romance with
   Tipper inspired the novel, "Love Story."

.  "Secret Service Code Name"
   "Al Gore is so boring that his Secret
    Service code name is Al Gore."

.  "shabes" (Saturday)
   Al Gore appeared on Saturday Night LIve.
   Now people can't say he's all "doooom
   and gloooom."
.  "shtayf" (stiff)
   Gore once had a "wooden" style.  A
   Newsweek poll showed that 65% think
   Gore's "stiffness" is a problem for his
   campaign.  "Part of Gore's reputation as
   Wooden Man Walking comes from the
   geeklike enthusiasm with which he
   embraces subjects such as reinventing
   government, suburban sprawl and ozone
   depletion.  Add to that his sometimes
   awkward use of language - "controlling
   legal authority" - the clipped cadence,
   the robotic moves onstage, and you've
   got the package.'  (Washington Post
   article by Kevin Merida, 6/7/1999)

.  "tabak" (tobacco)
   Al Gore changed his position about
   tobacco after losing his "shvester" (sister)
   to lung cancer.

.  "vaser" (water)
   In a speech given on April 22, 2002, Al
   Gore claimed that the Bush Adminis-
   tration "tried to increase the amount of
   arsenic in our water."  This was factually

.  "vitslen zikh" (to joke)
   John Stewart said, "If any of you are
   wondering about the former vice
   president's seeming largess, I will have
   you know, he has not gained weight.  He
   is so passionate about saving this Earth,
   he is trying not to exhale...Here's an
   inconvenient truth:  cake isn't a food

   Jay Leno said, "A lot of people said Al
   Gore was the best vice president the
   country ever had.  Not to take anything
   away from Al, but look at the competition.
   He replaced a guy who couldn't spell
   'potato' and was followed by a guy who
   shot someone in the face."

.  "zun" (son)
   In 1989 the Gores' 6-year-old son, Albert,
   was hit by a car and nearly died in his
   father's arms.



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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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