the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

*"Genug iz genug" is a Yiddish expression for "enough is enough."

Jewish mama, Rivka, tottered into a lawyer's office and told him she wanted a divorce.

"A divorce?" asked the shocked lawyer.

"Tell me, how old are you?"

"Ninety--this July," answered Rivka.

"And how old is your husband?"

"He's ninety-two."

"And how long have you been married?" he asked in disbelief.

"September will be seventy years."

"And children?"

"Four.  Gorgeous."

"Why would you want a divorce now?"

"Because," said Rivka..."enough is enough"

(Source:  "Yiddishe Mamas - The Truth About The Jewish Mother" by Marnie Winston-Macauley)

"Genug," according to the "Dictionary of Jewish Words" by Eisenberg and Scolnic, is Yiddish for ENOUGH.  Often used in the expression "Genug es genug!" (Enough is enough!)  Their example:  "When she got home from the Bas Mitzvah, she talked my head off and described every detail until I had to tell her 'genug!'"

Then there's the story of the little old man who approached his boss timidly.

"Mr. Shlepper, can I have tomorrow off?
It's my golden anniversary and we're having a big party at Carlyle On the Green, Bethpage State Park, Farmingdale, New York."

"By God!" snarled Shlepper, "Genug es genug!  Will I have to put up with this chutzpah every fifty years?"

The expression, "enough is enough" can be found very frequently in newspapers and magazines.

Senator Barack Obama recently said, "Enough!"  Mr. Obama said, interrupting a speech in Norfolk, Virginia, on eduation to address the latest controversy in the heated presidential campaign.  "I don't care what they say about me, but I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and Swift Boat politics.  Enough is enough."

He also told a ballpark packed with 11,000 people, "At this defining moment [Sept. 2008],  we have the chance to finally stand up and say, enough is enough." contained an article titled, "Monster Homes:  Enough is Enough."  Lloyd Alter stated that Boulder, Colorado, is forcing people to pay extra for a home over 3,000 square feet  Atlantic
Beach and Minneapolis are restricting houses to half the square footage of the lot... "Home Entertainment Centers" used to be a TV set and a video recorder, said John R. Nolan.  "Now it's an entire room."

And "TheDoctor" wrote the following email to

Genuz iz Genug

Dear George, Dick and John:

Please tell your friends to stay out of my pocketbook.  I can no longer afford to bail them out.  They are simply going to have to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

John, I know Fannie and her friend Freddie have given you over $12.5 millions in the last nine years so maybe you can sell off a few of those houses and help them out of this mess.

See I already have my hands full at the moment.  Thanks to George and his friends I'm paying $4/gal + for gas.  Dick's got some more of my funds tied up in this project called Iraq.  In fact, if I were you
guys, I would check with them.  I hear they have an $80 billion surplus.

Not to mention, the increase in grocery prices, the declining purchasing power of the American family since you've taken office and the record foreclosures that have my house values dropping daily.

Your pals have done a lot of damage as of late.  My 401k, my mutual funds, they've all taken a beaten thanks to your buddies.  I can't even begin to tell you what they've done to inflation.

Again, I'm sorry I can't help out this time.
But you can tell them I gave at work when my job told me I had to re-locate due to cost saves.  I gave when the realtor knocked on my door at home and told me my house was only worth 3/4 of what I paid for it, and oh and George I continue to give to your friends weekly at the local BP.

So to you  and your pals, good luck.  I have no more to give.


Your Tax Paying Middle-Class American

And, finally, Leslea Newman, author of "Heather Has Two Mommies," writes about growing up in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn.
She wrote, "No seder would ever be complete without my grandmother's famous matzo ball soup.  I'd ask her how many carrots to put in, how much celery.

"Enough"  was her stock reply.  "But how do you know how much is enough?" I'd press her.  "When you're old enough to know, you'll know" she'd say, adding a bissl salt."


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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