the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York


I am one of those lucky people who are
"gebentsht mit kinder"--blessed with
children.  Our three sons came to us via
adoption...and I thank them for giving me the title of "muter" (mother, in Yiddish.)

  Rabbi David Aaron ("Living a
Joyous Life - The True Spirit of Jwish Practice") reminds us that Jewish matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel all
had fertility problems, and therefore they
prayed intensely for children.

And so I wish ALL mothers a very Happy
Mother's Day, 2010.  Special good wishes
to Jessica and Valerie.

                  CHRONOLOGY - 1924 - 2010

2010  "Babies," a documentary that tracks
          the growth of four newborns in vastly
          different regions of the globe, opens
          on May 7.  The conclusion:  Babies
          sure are cute!

          Research shows that a chubby "beybi"
          may not necessarily be a "gezunt"
          (healthy) one.  They may have the risk
          factor for obesity that may [lie]
          dormant for a while, only to raise its
          head in adulthood

          Amy Wilson wrote, "When Did I Get
          Like This?:   The Screamer, the
          Worrier, the Dinosauer-Chicken-
          Nugget-Buyer, and Other Mothers I
          Swore I'd Never Be."

          "A shlekhte mame iz nito."
          (There is no such thing as a bad

2009  Eugenie Olson ("Pregnancy HAIKU -
          Three Short Lines for Your Nine Long
          Months"), wrote,

              Old wives' tale says that
              heartburn means hairy baby
              Guess mine is a chimp.

2006  Brandy Womack of Manteca, CA, gave
          birth to a 14 lb. girl, Olivia.

          Robin Buzzell of Milwaukee gave
          birth to Delaney Jessica, who
          weighed 13 lbs., 12 ozs.  She's been
          dubbed the "Big Enchilada."

          A mohel's fee varies from location to
          location, the range being between
          $400 to $800.  (Zachary Hepner's

          Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise
          welcomed their first child together,
          "Suri." The name has its origins in
          Hebrew, meaning "princess."

2005  Billy Crystal ("700 Sundays") wrote,
          "My Grandma Susie (Kasindorf) was
          one of nine children.  Grandpa
         Julius (Gabler) was one of four
         brothers, and all of these people had
         a lot of kids; they really took the 'Be
         fruitful and multiply quote from the
         Bible very seriously..."

2004  Americans spend $6 "bilyon" a year
          on gear for their babies.  A "milyon"
          of them will be registered at Babies
          R Us, Wal-Mart, and Target.

2003  Peggy Orenstein wrote, "Don't tell
          anyone the [baby's] name before
          the baby is born."

          Peter Hochstein ("Up From Seltzer")
          shares the name of that nice Jewish
          lst generation:  Yussel Pincus
          2nd generation:  Irving Pincus
          3rd generation:  Robert Pincus
          4th generation: Sean Pincus

2002  "She Magazine" wrote:  "Women
          over 50 don't have babies because
          they would put them down and
          forget where they left them."

, wrote, "If Men
          Got Pregnant...natural childbirth
          would become obsolete."

2001  Abe Weiss says, "Israel is the only
          country in the world where fathers
          of newborns are granted paid leave
          from work when a child is born, and
          if it's a boy, they get the day of the
          bris off, too.

2000  Arcelia Garcia, a 54-year-old mother
          of 8, who has 15 grandchildren, gave
          birth to triplets.  "Yeder hot zayn
          eygene meshugass."  (Everyone has
          his own craziness.)

          Bob Kopac defines "offspring" as
          "awful spring--children born to
          farmers nine months after a
          particularly snowy or rainy planting

1999  David M. Bader ("Haikus for Jews")
          writes:  "For you, a little wisdom."
          Ex.   "Can't you just leave it?"
                  the new Jewish mother asks -
                  umbilical cord

1998  Each day, more than 3,400 baby boys
          are circumcised in hospitals across
          the U.S. (Icon Magazine, April)

          An embryo kept on "ayz" (ice) for
          seven years has developed into a
          "gezunt" (healthy) 8-pound boy,
          the world's oldest newborn.

          There are now more "tsviling" (twins)
          and "higher order" multiples than
          ever in history.  The primary reason:
          fertility "meditsin" (drugs). 

1997  Mary Ann Madden defines an
          "amniosynthesis" as "a brief report on
          the progress of pregnancy."

          Paul Reiser ("babyhood") says of his
          wife's sonogram:  "Gee, honey, it
          looks like your mother, if she were
          small, bald, had no eyelids, and was
          floating in amniotic fluid."

1995  Bethesda Memorial Hospital, FL,
          requires that newborn babies all wear
          electronic anti-theft devices.  "Az men
          lebt, der lebt men."  (If you live long
          enough, you see a lot.)

          Vicki Lovine ("The Girlfriends" Guide
          to Pregnancy:  Or Everything Your
          Doctor Won't Tell You," contains
          these lies:

          "Maternity clothes are so much cuter

          "Lameze works"

1994  Ann Lamott wrote, "Having a baby
          really isn't at all like having cats.  It's
          more like having Eva Peron--with
          PMS--come stay at your house."

1993  One out of every 6 obstetricians in
          New York State (up from one out of
          10 in 1990) have stopped delivering

          Tom Carey ("The Marriage
          Dictionary") defines labor as "what
          your eight-and-a-half-months
          pregnant sister and Maid of Honor
          will go into during your wedding
          vows."  "Nit far dir gedakht!"
          (May it never happen to you.)

1992  Dave Barry wrote, "At the beginning
          of the twentieth century, women
          started having babies in hospital
          rooms.  Civilian males remained in
          waiting rooms reading old copies of
          Field and Stream."

1991  Candice Bergen's unmarried news-
          woman on CBS' "Murphy Brown"
          decides to have a baby.  VP, Dan
          Quayle, expresses outrage.

          A dictionary contains the term
          "hyper-ventilation":  n.  The
          production of an unusually large
          number of eggs by a woman at one
          time, especially as a result of
          hormone therapy for infertility.

1989  Joyce Armor defines a hospital gown
          as "a garment that hospitals make
          pregnant women wear to discourage
          them from going out for pizza."

1987  A new study reports that breast-
          feeding may contribute to straighter
          "tseyner" (teeth).

1986  Dan Greenerg ("Confessions of a
          Pregnant Father") wrote, "I recall
          Joan Rivers's routine in which she
          says that when her water broke, it
          drowned the cat."

1985  3.5 "milyon" babies arrived this "yor."
          Each bundle of joy will be changed
          an average of 7 times a day for about
          2.5 years.  Each change will "kostn"
          (cost) 17 cents on average.

1984  The book, "What to Expect When
          You're Expecting" begins its reign as
          the most loved...and
          in America.

1983  The LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City
          offered a $100 rebate if a mother and
          child leave the hospital a day after
          delivery.  "Take a metsie."  (Really a

1980  The nation's average stay for a
          vaginal delivery was 3.2 days.

1978  Louise Brown became the world's
          first IVF baby.

1975  In "All in the Family" [12/15] Gloria
          goes into labor in a restaurant, then
          gets trapped in a "telefon" booth.
          Dr. Shapiro, on the other end of the
          "telefon," suggests putting the booth
          in an "ambulans" (ambulance).

1974  27% of fathers are present at the
          birth of their children.  "Vunderlekh!"

1973  Sam Levenson ("In One Era & Out the
          Other") wrote, "To keep bread from
          getting stale, you had more children."

1970  A B'klyn doctor, Richard Waltman,
          claims that a couple of drinks a day
          might be good for the unborn "beybi"
          (baby).  "Tai mit limeneh"?  (Tea with

1969  Disposable diapers are now available.
          "A mekhaye."  (To delight)

1964  Dan Greenberg ("How To Be A
          Jewish Mother") advises:  "Let your
          child hear you sigh every day; if you
          don't know what he's done to make
          you suffer, HE will."

1950s American Maternity Shops coin the
          regal term, "Lady-in-Waiting."

1953  "Fertsik milyon" (40 million)
          Americans watched when Lucy gave
          birth to her TV child.

1945  Dr. Spock publishes his "bukh,"
          "Baby and Child Care."  Dan
          Greenberg wrote, "Spock, shloc,
          don't talk to me about that stuff.  A
          man doesn't know how to bring up
          children until he's been a mother."

1934  The Sears Roebuck catalog offered a
          Babies Storkline "veeg" (crib) for

1924  Maternity fashions were shown for
         the "ershter" (first) time.  "Danken
         Got!"  (Thank God!)


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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