the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Mandy Patinkin has starred in film, "televisye" (TV), and Broadway, but his favorite is performing live in "kontsert" (concert). The New York Times called Mandy, "A musical force of nature."

Shown below is a Yiddish Guide to Patinkin:

"bayshtayer" (donation)
Patinkin urges the donation of organs, especially corneas. "It's just a miracle, a gift from God." (see "krankayt")

"chutzpah" (nerve)
H. Reich ("Mother Tongue," Chicago Tribune, 4/13/98) wrote, "No doubt it takes a certain amount of chutzpah to tackle what Patinkin calls 'an Everest of a language' without knowing more than a few words of it." {This quote referred to Patinkin's performance in "Mamaloshen."]

"dokter" (doctor)
Patinkin played Dr. Jeffrey Geiger on "Chicago Hope." In the season finale, Patinkin is back as the President of the Board of Chicago Hope, as well as the best cardio thorasic surgeon ("khirurg") in the country.

"esn" (to eat)--sweets
"Her [mom's] sweets are to die for and they'll kill you. If you eat them often, you'll be dead before your time, but you'll have a great time getting there. If you don't like them, send them to me and I'll eat them. If you don't eat them, I'll even give you my FedEx number." Patinkin quote

"finsternish" (darkness)
"Sometimes there have been times in my life where it suddenly turns to darkness. It's impossible to find the light ("likhtik"), it's combination of realising life is finite, that every minute of life is precious ("tayer") and that one must stop wasting it." Patinkin quote

"geboryn' (born)
Patinkin was born in Chicago on Nov. 30, 1952, of Russian and Polish descent. He is the son of Doris "Doralee" Sinton and Lester Patinkin.

"gevnen" (to win)
Patinkin was awarded a Tony for Best Actor in a Musical. "Che" in Evita. He won an Emmy for Best Actor in a TV Drama. "Dr. Jeffrey Geiger" for Chicago Hope.

"gliklekh" (happy)
In 2009, Patinkin said, "I've never been so happy. I'm going to my mother's house to celebrate her 84th birthday, my kids are grown, my wife is the most wonderful woman on earth. I'm healthy and right now I'm performing live from Los Angeles to New Zealand with my dear friend and former Juillard classmate, Patti LuPone."

"gortn" (garden)
In 1984, Patinkin returned to B'way to play the role of Archibald Craven in the musical, "The Secret Garden." It ran for over "zibn hundert" (700) performances.

"greveyntlekh folk" (common people)
"Because Yiddish is the language of the common people, everyone can relate to its nuances and inflections even without understanding the words." Patinkin quote

Someone who is warm and welcoming; a homey, unaffected person with whom one is comfortable.

Patinkin adds a "haymisheh" touch to his shows. He once had the audience stand up and do the "Hokey Pokey" as he crooned the lyrics in Yiddish.

"heylin" (to heal)
"The world is bleeding and it is our job as citizens of the world to heal people. Never stop trying. It will get better ("beser"). Patinkin quote

"hunt" (dog)
Patinkin has two black labs, Nando and Taz.

"idee"/"aynfal" (idea)
The idea for "Mamaloshen" came from producer, Joseph Papp. Papp was like a second ("tsveyter") father to Patinkin.

"khidesh" (surprise)
"Things have turned out as much a surprise for me as anybody else. Everything in my life has been a series of accidents. Planning or talent ("talant") had nothing to do with it." Patinkin quote

"kikh" (kitchen)
When Mandy was growing up, he thought his mother lived in the kitchen. As he got "elter" (older), he understood that the kitchen was sher kingdom, her passion. He credits her with passing on that passion to him.

"klaider machen dem mentshen" (clothes make the man) Not true! Patinkin typically performs wearing his trademark performing clothes - a black T-shirt, black jeans, and sneakers. "dI frage" (the question): Would he sound any better in a tuxedo?

"klastsimer" (classroom) news
At Juilliard, Patinkin was a classmate of Kelsey Grammer. When the producers of "Cheers" were auditioning for the role of Dr. Frasier Crane, Patinkin put Grammer's name forward.

"kokhbikher" (cookbooks)
Doralee Patinkin wrote, "Grandma Doralee Patinkin's Holiday Cookbook in a Jewish Family's Celebrations." Mandy wrote, "Please try some of my ma's holiday treats and share some of my memories."

"krankayt" (disease)
In the mid-'90s, Patinkin was diagnosed with keratoconus, a rare degenerative disease. His sight was saved by two cornea transplants. (see "tfile") He said, "The old way was like looking through a windshield on a stormy night."

"kruk" (hook)
Patinkin said, "but I began singing the song 'Youssel, Youssel' I found it had a hook like a fishing hook that grabbed your kishkes (innards) and threw you all over the room like a big pike being pulled out of the ocean."

"k'vetsh" (complain)
Patinkin's wife, Kathryn says "He snores and insists he doesn't." [The Yiddish word meaning to snore is "khropen."] She also describes her "man" (husband) as profoundly domestic and guilt ridden. "He has a certain kind of energy that is fabulous on stage, but is hard to live with."

"Mamaloshen" (Mother Tongue)
(see "muzik")

"meyvin"/"mumkhe" (expert)
When Patinkin began his quest to learn the songs in "Mamaloshen," he turned to two "meyvins" in Yiddish culture: Moishe Rosenfeld and Henry Sapoznik.

"muzik" (music)
The following songs were included in "Mandy Patinkin in Concert: Mamaloshen":

"Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen" (Raisins and Almonds)
"Mayn Mirl" (Maria)
"Tsen Kopikes' (Ten Kopeks)
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (OY!
"Danken Got I can type!)
"Papirosin" (Cigarettes)
"Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern"
(Under Your White Stars)
"Hey, Tsigelekh" (Hey, Little Goats)
"Der Alter Tzigayner" (The Old Gypsy)
"Oyfn Pripetshik"
"Lid Fun Titanic (Song of the Titanic)

"nomen" (name)
Mandy Patinkin's real name is Mandel Bruce Patinkin.

"pyane" (piano)
"Mandy Patinkin: Dress Casual" was performed at the Judy Boyle Theatre at the Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas. The well known, Paul Ford, played the piano.

"rak" (cancer)
Patinkin was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer in 2004. He said, "I urge every man and every woman who loves a man, to insist that all males over the age of 50 have a PSA test yearly or earlier if there is prostate cancer in the family. My life was saved by modern science, and I want everyone to be as lucky ("mazldik") as I was."
"tfile" (prayer)
Patinkin says a prayer every day for the "yung" child who died and whose parents had the fullness of heart ("harts") to donate his corneas to him.

"You get immediate feedback and can instantly maneuver your act to fit the mood and tempo of the crowd ("oylem"). I tell audiences that I jump on stage to get away from my troubles...and they should come to see me to get away from theirs." (Note: the Yiddish word meaning to jump is "shpringen.") Patinkin quote

"regn-boygn" (rainbow)
Mandy sang, "Over The Rainbow" in Yiddish.

"shtetl" (small town)
Mandy's family belonged to Rabbi Ralph Simon's synagogue, Cong. Rodfei Zeidek. Mandy's wife, Kathryn, said, "It was like a shtetl."

"sod loshn" (secret language)
"My dad spoke Yiddish whenever he spoke to my grandma, and it was used as a secret language in the house when grownups didn't want me to understand." Patinkin quote

"tsug" (railroad train)
Mandy is an avid Lionel Train enthusiast. Just like Dr. Geiger, he loves to play with his trains.

"zun" (son)
Patinkin, and his wife, Kathryn Grody, have two sons, Isaac and Gideon.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

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