the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Joan Rivers (born Joan Alexandria Melinsky) is an award-winning American "komike" (comedian), television personality and "aktrise" (actress). Shown below is a Yiddish guide to Ms. Rivers:

"akyter" (actor)
From earliest childhood, Rivers wanted to be an "aktyor" (actor). Her mother wanted her daughter to prepare herself for marriage and entry into polite society. The tension between these aspirations deeply influenced the young woman's life and craft.

"alt" (old)
Joan Rivers says she's not so old as her last date. He took her to meet his parents "in the 'beys-oylem' (cemetery)."

"bale-boste" (excellent housewife)
We don't know what kind of a housewife Joan Rivers is, but she did say, "I hate housework. You make the beds, you wash the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again."

"bal-tsodoke" (philanthropist)
Joan Rivers is a former Hadassah "Woman of the Year." She has been supportive of Jewish philanthropic and social causes.

"bildung" (education)
Joan Rivers is a graduate of Barnard College (1954), where she earned a degree in English Literature and was awarded membership in Phi Beta Kappa.

"bukhs" (books)
Ms. Rivers wrote the following books:
"Enter Laughing" (1986)
"Having a Baby Can Be a Scream" (1975)
"Jewelry by Joan Rivers" (2000)
"The Life and Times of Heidi Abramowitz" (1984)
"From Mother to Daughter: Thoughts and Advice on Love, Life and Marriage" (1998)
"Still Talking" (1991)

B'way play
Rivers wrote and starred in the B'way play, "Sally Marr and Her Escorts."

"dolar" (dollar)
Rivers had a conflict between she and her mother. She wrote, "My mother wanted M.D. to stand for Make Dollars"

"elnt" (lonely/lonesome)
"Sure I get lonely. When you've played a 3000-seat gig and you go back to your hotel room by yourself, that's no fun."

"eynikl" (grandchild)
Joan Rivers has one grandson, Cooper.

"eyns (one); "froy" (woman)
Rivers did a one-woman show in 2001, titled, "Broke and Alone."

"eytse" (advice)
"Everyone should do Botox," said Rivers.

"faynt hobn" (to hate)
"My parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio."

Rivers has much to say about the "Sunshine State":

"Florida wants to change the state's motto to attract younger people. They're thinking about 'More than just a great place to die.'"

"Back from Florida. Palm Beach society is made up of so many bland white people the entire 2011 social season is sponsored by Wonder Bread."

"Flying to Florida. When the TSA asks, 'Did you pack your own bags?' I laugh and say, 'Yes, while my housekeeper watched 'All My Children.'"

"humor" (humor)
"Humor has saved my life. I was this fat, plain child but I could always make myself and other people laugh. It's hereditary. It's in the DNA."

"hundert" (100)
Rivers appeared on Johnny Carson's late night talk show ("The Tonight Show") nearly 100 times. She was the only "permanent guest host" on The Tonight Show between 1983 and 1986.

"hunt" (dog)
Joan Rivers has two dogs: Samantha (Sam)
and Max.

"imigrant" (immigrant)
Joan Rivers' parents were Russian Jewish immigrants from the Odessa area. Despite the geographical proximity of their origins, her parents came from vastly different socioeconomic circumstances. Meyer Molinsky's family had been poverty-stricken in Russia and they remained poor in their early years in America. Molinsky's entry into the medical profession propelled the family into the emergent Jewish middle class of Brooklyn. That loss of status forever haunted Beatrice Molinsky, and she continually pushed her husband to earn more money.

"khasene" (wedding)
"Excited for the royal wedding! Prince William won't wear a wedding band and Kate doesn't care. The ring that matters is the one on his head."

Joan Rivers' first marriage was short lived. She wrote, "Our marriage license turned out to be a learner's permit."

"kishn" (pillow)
On Joan Rivers' sofa lies a needlepoint pillow reading, "I need a man to spoil me or I don't need a man at all."

"kitslen" (to tickle)
"My father--a doctor--used to say that when you laugh, all your internal organs tickle each other. Have fun with your life, that's what I say."

"koyfn" (to buy)
Joan Rivers has decided to spend, spend, spend. "Why not? I'm in my old age and I've stopped saving. You wake up and you're gone. Buy that handbag, buy those shoes, buy that painting."

"kritikirn" (to criticize)
Rivers takes criticism of her acting extremely personally. "Acting is my true love. I would like to have been a serious actor and i plan to in the next life. I'm going to be Meryl Streep Rivers."

"Can I just say--every time I see matzo it reminds me of my chest. Flat and brown spots."

"moyekh" (brain)
"I think that Charlie Sheen's brain is a lot like the U. S. government today. It's also on the verge of shutting down."

"operatsye" (operation/medical)
Rivers has had 3 facelifts, a neck lift, and several tummytucks. She said, "Melissa keeps begging: 'No more plastic surgery!' I say, 'Fine. I'll stop having work done the day Charlie Sheen's tour sells out."

"polke" (thigh)
"Someone once told me to stop worrying about my thighs on the beach because everyone else is worried about their thighs, so why bother. No one every told me I was ugly. I still don't know why I felt that way but a few weeks ago I was watching a video from many years ago when I was on the Mike Douglas show and I remember feeling gigantic and very fat next to some thin woman in a pants suit. That feeling never goes away."

"ponem" (face)
Some people have said of Joan Rivers: "The Face that Launched a Thousand Snips."

"raykh" (rich)
In the show, "How'd You Get So Rich?"
Rivers visits the fancy homes of wealthy celebrities.

"redn" (to talk)
Joan Rivers is known for two expressions: "Can we talk?" and "Who are you wearing famous?"

"reynikn" (to clean)
Re: Spring Cleaning, Tip #172 "Want an easy way to freshen up your place? Move out!"

"shtele" (job)
Joan Rivers once had a job designing window displays for Lord and Taylor and Saks.

"tantsn" (to dance)
Re: Dancing With the Stars "Tonight is the premiere of Dancing With the Stars, so I called the entire cast and said, 'Break a Leg!'"

"Japan has had so many aftershocks that, as a precaution, they won't air the Dancing With the Stars episode where Kirstie Alley falls down."

"tokhter" (daughter)
Joan has one daughter, Melissa, born in 1968.

"tseyln" (to count)
There are about 12 professional impersonators of Joan Rivers in Florida alone. Dee Dee Hanson is the country's foremost Joan Rivers impersonator and look-alike... but who's counting!

"tsirung" (jewelry)
Joan Rivers sells her jewelry on QVC.

"tsuriktsien zikh" (to retire/stop working)
"I love what I do that's why I don't consider it work. Everybody says, 'When are you going to retire?' I say to do what? Tell jokes to the mailman?"

"umgliklekh" (unhappiness)
"My routines come out of total unhappiness. My audiences are group therapy."

"yingst tukhter" (youngest daughter)
Joan Rivers was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 8, 1933. She was the youngest daughter of Beatrice (Grushman) and Meyer Molinsky, a physician.
"zelbstmord" (suicide)
Joan's second husband, Edgar Rosenberg, committed suicide. They were married for 22 years. He suffered from depression after undergoing open=heart surgery.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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