the schmooze


Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York


jon stewartJon Stewart is an Americal political satirist, "televisye" (television) host, "aktyor" (actor), media critic, "mekhaber" (author), and stand-up comedian.

He is host of "The Daily Show" and "The Jon Stewart Show."

Shown below is the Yiddish Guide to Jon Stewart:

"aktyor" (actor)
"I can be in 20 movies. But I'll never be an actor." (Stewart quote)

"arbet" (work)
After college, Stewart held numerous jobs. He was a contingency planner for the NJ Dept. of Human Services, a contract administrator for the City University of New York, a puppeteer for children with disabilities, a caterer, a busboy, a shelf stocker at Woolworth's, and bartender at the Franklin Corner Tavern, a local blue collar bar in college.

"betn mekhile" (to apologize)
"What?! The Congressman had a sex scandal and had to apologize to Bill Clinton? For what? Copyright infringement." (Stewart, on Weinergate)

"blozn" (to blow)
On Jan. 26, 2011, reported: JON STEWART CAN ONLY GO SHOFAR. Last night Jon Stewart decided to blow a shofar on "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" to alert his viewers to some breaking news (Keith Olbermann leaving MSNBC). He called it a News Shofar and announced "Something happened!" but never actually blew the shofar. Instead he just put the shofar to his mouth and kept repeating the words "Hey Look" in a staccato fashion. It sort of sounded like a Tekiah blast followed by Teruah.

"bruder' (brother)
Jon has an older brother, Larry Leibowitz.

"durkh faln" (to fail)
"Chinese President Hu Jintao is visiting us. When a country owes you a billion dollars they have a problem. When they owe you a trillion dollars, YOU have a problem. We're too big to fail!" (Stewart quote)

"erd" (earth)
President Bush announced we're going to Mars, which means he's given up on Earth." (Stewart quote)

"farbaytn" (t replace)
When David Letterman left NBC in 1993, Stewart was a finalist to replace him, but Conan O'Brien was hired instead.

"fraynd" (friend)
Stewart was friends with future Congressman, Anthony Weiner.

"froy" (wife)
Stewart is married to Tracey McShane; they have two children. Tracey is a veterinary technician. He was introduced to his wife by a production assistant on "Wishful Thinking" (1999). He proposed to her through a crossword puzzle made by Will Shortz.

"geboyrn" (born)
Jon was born into a Jewish family in NYC on Nov. 28, 1962. He grew up in Lawrenceville, NJ, where he attended Lawrence H.S.

He said, "I was born in New York City, but I was raised in New Jersey, part of the great Jewish emigration of 1963."

"fusbol" (soccer)
Jon graduated in 1984 from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. His major: psychology. He played on the soccer team.

"gastgeber" (host)
Stewart has hosted the Grammy Awards twice, in 2001 and 2002. Recognizing his lackluster performance he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I just want to say I feel your scorn and accept it."

"get" (divorce)
Jon's parents were divorced when he was 11 years old. He no longer has any contact with his father.

"glaykh" (equal)
After Stewart gave a personal monologue about the shootings in Tucson, AZ, he was recognized as a political force rather than just merely a comedian. The New York Times suggested that he is "the modern day equivalent of Edward R. Murrow."

"hern" (to hear)
"I heard Dennis Kucinich say in a debate, 'When I'm president...' and I just wanted to stop him and say, 'Dude.'"

"khemye" (chemistry)
In college, Stewart started as a Chemistry major and switched to Psychology ("psikhology"). "Apparently, there's a right and wrong answer in Chemistry; whereas in Psychology, you can say whatever you want as long as you write five pages." (Stewart, on "60 Minutes," in 2001)

"kleyntshik" (tiny)
"I was born with an adult head and a tiny body. Like a 'Peanuts' character." (Stewart quote)

"kop" (head)
"I'm not a very serious Jew. I don't wear the protective religious headgear [yarmulke]. They only wear that because 40% of all religious thoughts escape through the head." (Stewart quote)

"kurts" (short)
"I'm too short to host a late-night talk show. It's like the bar at an amusement- park ride. You have to be six feet two or over." (Stewart quote)

"letst" (last)
Stewart became a regular at the Comedy Cellar, where he was the last performer every night. For two years, he would perform at 2 a.m. while developing his comedic style.

"milkhome" (war)
"We're at war? Again? Don't we already have two? Wars aren't like kids, where you don't have to worry about the youngest one because the other two will take care of it." (Stewart, on the war in Libya)

"milyon" (million)
"If I'd only followed CNBC's advice, I'd have a million dollars today, provided I'd started with a hundred million dollars." (Stewart quote)

"moyre" (fear)
On Sept. 16, 2010, Stewart, along with Stephen Colbert, announced a rally for Oct. 30, known as the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. It took place on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and attracted about 215,000 participants.

"nomen" (name)
Jon Stewart started out as Jonathan Stewart Leibowitz and, to save himself some trouble, lopped off a few syllables of his name, including his entire last name. In the old days of the American melting pot, Jewish performers regularly changed their names to make them sound more American.

"Jon Leibowitz couldn't have been any tougher to handle than Arnold Schwarzenegger." (David Holzel)

Stewart has referred to himself as 'Jewey Von Jewstein' and cracked jokes about Jewish noses, circumcision, anti-Semites, Jews who play baseball, and Israel as 'Heebie Land.'

"orntlekh" (honest) or "eriekh"
"What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan hackery. You have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you fail miserably." (Stewart to Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala on "Crossfire.")

"nomen" (name)
When Jon made his stand-up debut at The Bitter End, the same place where his comedic idol, Woody Allen, began, He began using the stage name "Jon Stewart." He dropped his last name and changed the spelling of his middle name, "Stuart" to "Stewart." He often jokes this is because people had difficulty with the pronunciation of Leibowitz or it "sounded too Hollywood." He has implied that the name change was actually due to a strained relationship with his father with whom Stewart no longer has any contact."

"perzenlekh meynung" (personal view/ opinion)
During the first show after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Stewart spent the first nine minutes of his show discussing his personal view on the event:

"The view...from my apartment...was the World Trade Center...and now it's gone, and they attacked it. This symbol of American ingenuity, and strength, and labor, and imagination and commerce, and it is gone. But you know what the view is now? The Statue of LIberty. The view from the South of Manhattan is now the Statue of Liberty. You can't beat that."

"religye (religion)
"Religion. It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. If America leads a blessed life, then why did God put all of our oil under people who hate us?" (Stewart quote)

"sheyn" (beautiful)
Stewart was chosen by People Magazine as one of 1999s 50 Most Beautiful People in The World.

"shisn" (to shoot)
"Moms and dads, if you're watching right now, I can't emphasize this enough: don't let your kids go hunting with the Vice President. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land or energy regulations they're trying to get lifted--he'll shoot them in the face." (Stewart quote)

"skhar" (reward)
"You know if I had a nickel for every time Bush has mentioned 9/11, I could raise enough reward money to go after Bin Laden." (Stewart quote)

"shos" (shot from firearm)
"To have not shot his friend in the face would have sent a message to the quail that America is weak." (Stewart, on Dick Cheney shooting his hunting partner/buddy, Harry Wittington, in the face.)

"shotn" (shadow)
"Everyone knows if a Republican comes out of the closet and sees a gay shadow, it means six more years of a Democratic administration." (Stewart quote)

"shtarbn" (to die)
"I don't want to die before my parents die, especially my mother. Because I think that's tragic. Because I don't want her to get the chance to pick out what I'm going to wear for eternity." (Stewart quote)

"trefshpil" (puzzle)
Steward does the New York Times crossword puzzle every night with his wife.

"zhuri" (jury)
"There is no such thing as an impartial jury because there are no impartial people. There are people that argue on the web for hours about who their favorite character on 'Friends' is." (Stewart quote)

"tate-mame" (parents)
Jon's father, Donald Leibowitz, was a professor of physics at the College of New Jersey from 2001 through 2008; he now teaches an online course at Thomas Edison State College. His mother, Marian, is an educational consultant and teacher.

"zorgn zikh" (to worry)
"It's as if a guy drove me into a ditch and said, 'Don't worry. I know how to drive us out of this.'" (Stewart on Pres. Bush)


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

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