the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

jerry stillerQ. Guess who is pitching "Want 5X the interest with free ATMs? Capital One Bank"?
A. Comedian, Broadway star, and "The King of Queens,"
Jerry Stiller.

Shown below is the Yiddish guide to a man who has consistently proven himself to be a force in showbiz.

"arbetzamer" (a person who derives great satisfaction from work)
Jerry Stiller is a true "arbetzamer."

"armey" (Army)
When Stiller was asked why he joined the Army, he said, "To get away from my home.
My parents were always fighting. It made it hard."

When Joe DiSpigno asked, "I thought Jewish parents don't fight,..and "didn't they love you?" he replied, "Sure. They just
fought with each other. They never laid a hand on the kids."
Source: "Married To Laughter - A Love Story Featuring Anne Meara"

"bild" (picture)
"It can make you sad ("umetik") to look at pictures from your youth. So there is a trick to it. The trick is not to look at the later pictures."
Stiller quote

"bubbi and zeidi" (grandma and grandpa) (or "zeyde and bobe")
Stiller's grandparents spoke a truncated Yiddish, a shorthand that only they seemed to understand ("farshteyn").
On Friday "nakht" (night) his grandmother would "tsindt lecht"--light the candles.

"bukh" (book)
Stiller's autobiography, "Married to Laughter," was published by Simon and Schuster in 2000. The audio version of the book, read by Jerry, was released by Random House.

"depresye" (depression/economic)
"During the Great Depression, when people laughed, their worries disappeared.
Audiences loved these funny men. I decided to become one."
Stiller quote

"dokter" (doctor)
"Serenity now! Serenity now! "What is that?"
"The doctor gave me a relaxation cassette.
When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say 'serenity now!'
"Are you supposed to yell it?"
"The man on the tape wasn't specific."
Stiller quote

"frage" (question)
"I ask myself why I do it [work]. Maybe it's to prove I'm still around. It takes a lot out of my body.
I'm not an NBA player anymore.
At my age, very few people can handle it."
Stiller quote

"fraynd" (friend)
One of Jerry Stiller's great friends was
the late Henny Youngman.

"froy" (wife)
In 1954, Stiller married Anne Meara, a struggling "yung aktrise" (young actress)
of Irish descent. How did they meet? While waiting for a job interview, Stiller heard a woman starting to scream ("shrayen")
while coming from the agent's office. The office door flew "ofn" (open), and a tall, pretty ("sheyn") redhead dashed out. She
said the agent had chased her around the room. Stiller confronted the man, who thereupon chased HIM around the room.
Neither Stiller nor Meara found a job that day--but they found each other.
Source: "The Jewish Comedy Catalog"
by Darryl Lyman

"geboyrn" (born)
Stiller was born Gerald Isaac Stiller in 1927 in New York. He is the oldest of three children.

"gelt" (money)
Jerry Stiller loved acting and comedy, but he also had to make money. Thus, in addition to his acting, he sold Good Humor
"ayzkrem" (ice cream), washed windows in Queens for $1 a "fentster" (window), mixed "tsement" (cement), and sold "marantsn-zaft" (orange juice) in Times Square. He said, "Money is sensual."

"girik" (greedy)
Stiller played the role as Tamkin, the greedy, street-smart conman, in the 1986 made-for-TV film, "Seize the Day." He said, "We're all greedy, but Tamkin's greed is close to what I have felt--wanting too much and not being connected to what really makes you happy."
Stiller quote

"groys" (great)
Stiller says "Things change and they change for the better, too. I have worked with some of the greatest actors. Take a person like Kevin James, who worked with me on King of Queens. This guy can do anything that Buster Keaton did."

"groys" (big)
When Stiller met Big Ed, Anne's father, in his mind he could hear, "What the hell is she doing with a guy like that? He's three inches shorter than she is. He's got to be Jewish. They're all Jewish in show business."

"gut nayes" (good news); "shlekht nayes" (bad news)

"Hey, Lloyd. I got good news and bad news...and they're both the same. You're fired."
Jerry Stiller as Frank Costanza

"hart" (tough)
[re: marriage with Anne Meara]
"We managed to hang in there. Today when people get married, there is a tendency to run away when things get tough. There is a lot of strength in hanging together."
Stiller quote

"heskem" (agreement)
When Stiller graduated from Seward Park High School, he had a form from the U.S. Army Specialized Training Reserve program. He needed his parents' signature to join. "We're not signing," they said.
Stiller wrote, "It was the first time I'd ever seen them in agreement about anything.
By morning he got them to sign.

"heykh" (height)
Stiller is 5' 6" tall...and probably shrinking with age. "Azoy vert dos kikhl tsebrokhn."
(That's how the cookie crumbes.)

"ketsl" (kitten)
Jerry and Anne had two kittens named "Squeaky" and "Sniffles."

"kheyn" (charm)
Stiller says that Kevin James' physical comedy is second to none. He describes him as an "Amazing guy who also has acting ability and a charm to him."

"khinukh" (education)
Stiller earned a B.S. degree in speech and drama from Syracuse University in 1950...
And Madonna studied the Kabbalah!

"kinder-tsimer" (nursery)
Las Vegas had a nursery. So, whenever Jerry and Anne performed, the kids were either in the audience or the green room--
nursery. Jerry swaid, "They really were part of the business."

"kindhayt" (childhood)
Stiller never forgot his pledge not to let his kids have the same kind of childhood he did. So, he and Anne took their two kids
with them "umetum" (everywhere). They schlepped them from place to place, taking them to Las Vegas or LA. While they performed with Gladys Knight, they'd be in the pool swimming with The Pips.
(Note: Gladys Knight and The Pips were an R&B soul famly musical act from Atlanta, GA, active from 1953 to 1989.)

"klas" (class)
Stiller took acting classes with Charles Nelson Reilly, Steve McQueen, and Shelly Berman. He said, "We were all trying to
make it."

"klub" (club)
In Oct. 1999, Jerry Stiller was honored by The New York Friar's Club at their "yerlekh" (annual) roast. The televised "pasirung" (event) received the highest rating for any program in the history of the "komedie" (comedy) Central Network.

"komish" (funny)
"Never go for the punch line. There might be something funner on the way."
Stiller quote

"krank" (ill)
"Being on a sitcom stops me from getting Alzheimers."
Stiller quote

"meshuge" (crazy; nuts)
Stiller wrote, "I thought if becoming a great performer means I'm nuts, then I want to be nuts. I want to be more nuts. The more nuts the more success. I want to be the nuttiest comedian in the world ("di velt")."
Stiller quote

"milkhome" (war)
"Hollywood never knew there was a Vietnam War until they made the movie."
Stiller quote

"nokhmakhn" (to imitate)
Stiller was brought up with Andy Hardy and the Hardy family and Aunt Millie "oybn" (upstairs). He wanted to be them and live in Harpersfield USA.

"oylem" (audience)
"I loved the idea of touching base with an audience."
Stiller quote

"oyshitn" (to protect) Stiller's parents fought almost always about money. When the battles became physical, he became the role of protector over his siblings, Arnie and Doreen. His biggest "moyre" (fear) was that the neighbors would hear. He thought, "Jewish people don't fight."
Source: "Married to Laughter"

"radyo" (radio) commercials
Stiller and Meara have written, performed and produced award-winning radio commercials for Blue Nun ("monashke")
Wine, United Van LInes and Amalgamated Bank, among many others. Stiller appeared as Vince Lombardi in Nike ads, AT&T
commercials with his Seinfeld wife, Estelle Harris, and for Total Cereal ("kashe"), Glad Bags and America Online 9.0.

"shtern" (star)
In Feb. 2007, Stiller and Meara were honored with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, only one of four married couples
to ever be honored with their own star.

"talant" (talent)
"The worst thing in this business is to be thought of as a no-talent."
Stiller quote

"tate" (father)
Jerry's father was an unemployed bus driver. They moved around a lot, as much as ten times in 12 years. Once he moved from one end of the block to another. That was not the family life he wanted for HIS family.

Stiller's dad often took him to Vaudeville shows. When a comedian failed to make the audience laugh, he would yell out,
"Faker! Faker!" Stiller goes through life vowing never to be "a faker" and, in fact, he would like his tombstone to read:
"Never A Faker."

"tate-mame" (parents)
"My father and mother. I figured if I could make them laugh, they'd stop fighting. I stole all their material."
Stiller quote

"tsuzamen" (together)
Stiller and Meara appeared together on "What's My LIne?" in 1968.

"tsvelf" (twelve)
Jerry and Anne were married for 12 years before they had children.

"veg" (trail)
"I've been around the block a lot and I've had a merry trail for 55 years."
Stiller quote
Marjorie Wolfe wishes Jerry Stiller, "a hundert un tsvantsik yor!"--a hundred and twenty years!



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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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