the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Although Israel is a country known for its "glaykhgiltik" (casual) dress, informality has its limits.  Israel's parliament unleased the fashion "politsey" (police) recently, saying that visitors wearing "unbecoming attire" would be barred from entering

The order is aimed specifically at the local media and parliamentary staffers.  Earlier this "yor," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office issued a similar dress code after a female journalist wore a skin-baring top to a news conference

Another lawmaker told Army Radio that one of her male staffers was barred from entering the Knesset because he was wearing "blekhene heyn" (jeans/work pants)

Avi Balashnikov, director general of the parliament said, "Entrance to the Knesset will be barred to anyone wearing unbecoming attire, such as sleeveless T-shirts, short pants, jeans and, for women, short T-shirts that expose the midriff."

How much do you know about "blekhene heyzn"--jeans?  Grab a #2 "blayer" (pencil) and let's see how well you do

  1. A "Levite" is someone who wears jeans religiously
    A) True
    B) False

  2. Jackie Mason wrote, "Let's assume the hottest item today is a pair of jeans.
    Ordinarily jeans would be considered a shmatte, a rag to clean the floor with.
    It would be considered tscharge--falling apart--because the jeans are faded or they're torn.  But ten minutes later, because it has the right label, it's a hot item.  Eighty-year-old Jewish women are walking around with torn jeans on Fifth Avenue and they call it couture."
    A) True
    B) False

  3. Who said, "If the trend to sports shirts and blue jeans is not checked, our future generation of fathers may well be     dressing in exactly this fashion when they go to their jobs as executives and white-collar workers"?
    A) Max Cohen, Battleship Max Cohen, on Sands Street in Brooklyn
    B) Bruce Gimbel, Gimbel Brothers
    C) Diane von Furstenberg
    D) Joe & Paul Clothiers, 1586 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn.  Paul Kofsky opened the store in 1912.  He invented an imaginary cohort, Joe, because he thought people would trust him more if they thought he had a partner.  Sholom Secunda wrote a song advertising his store.  As for singing, Kofsky would handle it himself

  4. Who said, "I haven't got the figure for jeans"?
    A) Margaret Thatcher
    B) Molly Picon
    C) Golda Meir

  5. Tight jeans and poor posture can cause  acute "veytik" (pain)
    A) at the tailbone
    B) in the "pupik" (belly button)
    C) in the "tuchis"

  6. Generally, it takes about "tsvelf" (12) washings at home to get a pair of brand-new jeans to "beyfgn" (bend) carefully
    A) True
    B) False

  7. According to the late Erma Bombeck ("Aunt Erma's Cope Book"), "One ("eyns") pair of jeans is not considered a 'mini load.'"
    A) True
    B) False

  8. Levi's blue jeans was first  peddled to California gold miners.  It  was sold in vending machines in Paris  in 1986.
    A buyer could step up to "di mashin," pay $45 by "kredit-kartl," and walk away with a pair of Levi's
    A) True
    B) False

  9. In 2007, a pair of Moschino slim jeans with peace emblem sold at Macy's Herald Square for
    A) $240
    B) $350
    C) "With or without an "elter" (senior) discount?"
    D) "Zol ikh azoy visn fun tsores."
         I'm not the least bit interested. (I should know as much about troubles as I want to know about this.)

  10. Mell Lazarus ("Momma" cartoon) said, When your son says, MOMMA, I'VE  DECIDED TO START DRESSING LIKE A REGULAR PERSON! Translated it means:
    A) "Freg mir nit keyn kashes." (Don't ask me any questions.)
    B) "Can you tape up this rip in my jeans so I can wear them to a job interview?"
    C) "Makh nit keyn tsimes fun dem." (Don't make a fuss about it.)

  11. In 1994, Jill Lynch, a spokeswoman for Levi Strauss & Co., said, "Remember, no two size-nine women have the same
          body type."  You reply:
    A) "A dayge hob ikh?"   (Is it my worry?)
    B) "Azoy geyt es." (That's how it goes.)
    C) "Okyh mir a meyvn."  (Look who's acting like an expert.)
    D) All of the above

  12. In 1977, three Israeli brothers--Joe,  Ralph, and Avi Nakash--bought TV time to hype their own brand of jeans, called Jordache, BEFORE they'd even made any.  The ploy worked, big. 
         You reply:
    A) "That's chutzpa!" or "That's khutspe!"
    B) "Klug!" (Smart!)"Az a yor oyf mir." I should have such good fortune. (Such a year on me.)

  13. Young Barbara Bush caused an international stir by reportedly wearing blue jeans to Buckingham Palace
    A)  True
    B)  False
    C)  "Es past vi a khazer." It's in very bad taste. (It's as suitable as a pig.)

  14. The New York Times (Aug. 30, 07) ran the following headline:
    In Mansfield, LA, people who wear sagging pants/jeans will be fined as much as $150 plus court costs or jail time (up to15 days).  What's an appropriate response?
    A) "Hobn kinder iz shver ober hodeven zey is nokh shverer." (Bearing children is difficult, raising them even more so.)
    B)  If velvet and silk hang in your closet, you can step out in rags.
    C) Dan Greenberg ("How to Be a Jewish Mother") was right:
         (4) Never buy a garment that fits--it should always be two or three sizes too large so that the child can grow into it

1. B   A Levite is a member of the tribe of Levi.  According to Eisenberg and Scolnic ("Dictionary of Jewish Words")           "Levites carried the Tabernacle and later assisted at the Temple by serving as gatekeepers, teachers, musicians, and assistants to the priests (Kohanim).
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. A, B,

Bush wore jeans, that their Secret Service agents looked like fashion twins?  The agents coordinated their wardrobes.  "We want to know a day in advance," says a spokesman.  "We try to fit in.  You get made fun of when the President is at the beach and we're in a suit."

14. A

Marjorie Wolfe says that she has an uncanny knack for "either buying all the wrong clothes or not getting an
'farbetung' (invitation) to any of the right 'freylekh' affairs."


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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