the schmooze

*The Yiddish word meaning to dance is "tantsn." 

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York


I grew up hearing these two Yiddish expressions:

"Es iz gut tsu zingen un tantsen."  (It is good to sing and dance);
"Ven s'farleshen zich di licht, haiben on tantsen di meiz." (When the lights go out, the mice begin to dance.)

Long before the popularity of "Dancing With the Stars," moviegoers enjoyed the 1987 movie, "Dirty Dancing."  The year was 1963, the place, Kellerman's Resort in the Catskills.  At the Borscht Belt resorts, after hours, the hired help bump and grind to Motown sounds.  The entertainment staff are forbidden to mingle with the guests, but Frances ("baby") [Jennifer Grey] breaks the rules.  Patrick Swayze gives "baby" a crash course in dancing.

Myron Cohen, who was once America's foremost storyteller, wrote  about Jean Suits, Manager of the Sans Souci, who was host to a salesman who was on "vakatsye" (vacation) in Miami.

"The man had taken an expensive ("tayer") course at Arthur Murray dance studio before he left New York and, as a result, he was the picture of grace on the dance floor.  At the Charleston, which was experiencing a revival in popularity, he especially excelled.

The "ershter nakht" (first night) he was in Miami, he received a wire from the home "byuro" (office) that an emergency ("noytfal) had arisen which necessitated his return on the morning plane.  Instead of sulking, he decided to make the best of his only night in Florida.

When he entered the hotel lobby, he spotted a curvaceous cutie seated there. He engaged her in conversation and then took her dancing.

As they danced the Charleston in mad abandon, he romanced her.  'Look, Ruth,' he gasped, 'I really go for you in a big way.  But I don't have much time.  I have to be back in New York in the morning ("der frimorgn").  Can we speed things up between us?'

'What do you want from me!" she panted. 'I'm dancing as fast as I can!'"

(Source:  "Laughing Out Loud" by Myron Cohen, Copyright 1958) (The Yiddish has been added by the writer.)

And NOW, the big "nayes" (news) is that DWTS will feature its first politician--former Congressman,  Tom DeLay--on its Sept. 21 premiere.  "Oykh mir a meyvn." (Look who's acting like an expert.)

The executive producer was "dershtoynt" (amazed/astonished) when he said yes.

How much do you know about DeLay?  Grab a #2 "blayer" (pencil) and answer True or False to each question.

1.  His nickname is "The Hammer," for his dealings with political opponents.

2.  He stepped down from his position and from Congress after a grand jury indicted him for violating campaign finance laws.

3.  With the exception of onetime mayor of Cincinnati, Jerry Springer, DeLay will be the first politician to dance on the show.

4. Tom can dance the two-step, polka, waltz, country swing, and disco.

5.  Delay co-authored the book, "No Retreat No Surrender: One American's Fight."

6.  Jim Ellis said that people will remember him [DeLay] "sashaying around the House floor those many years with his unique stride."

7.  Andy Borowitz said, "Tom DeLay on 'Dancing With the Stars':   First contestant with electronic ankle bracelet."

8.  In 2004, DeLay denounced Subway restaurants/franchisees in Germany for creating a table-top in-store ad that showed an obese State of Liberty.

9.  In 2005, DeLay said to 3 young hurricane evacuees from New Orleans at the Astrodome in Houston, "Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?"

10. DeLay has lost 12 pounds from  preparation for the show.  (Source:

11. Gail Collins (New York Times, 8/20/09,  "Shall We Dance") wrote, "Reality TV   plus politics--this could be the start of  something big."

12 DeLay said, "didn't realize I was the  oldest dwts contestant by 11 years.    Have to go after the AARP voter."

All of the above statements are TRUE!

Is this "DWTS" "a gantseh megillah"--a big deal?  "A deigeh hob ich?"  (Is it my worry?)
I'm still dealing with the dance instructor who said to my dad, , "Marjorie does a terrific fox--no matter what the band is playing."


Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe agrees with Betsy Hurd who defined a "flamenco" as a Spanish
dance in which the participants wear pink costumes and stand on one leg.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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