the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Mrs. Weinstein, a woman of 85, is crossing Queens Boulevard when she runs into her "dokter.' The physician gives her a "shmeykhl" (smile) and asks, "Vos makht ir?" (How are you?)

The old lady snaps at the "dokter! "You vant to know how I'm feeling?---My shoulder hurts, my head is throbbing, my gout is killing me and I can't sleep at "nakht" (night).

The physician, with empathy in his voice, says, "My gosh, if you're in such terrible shape, why don't you make an appontment and see me right away?"

The old lady says, "I'll call you after I finish my supply of chicken soup and feel a little "beser" (better)."

Shown below is a not-so serious chicken soup quiz. Grab a #2 pencil and let's see how well you do.

1. "Wayne Gretsky is the first person on a can of Campbell's Soup. That makes sense, to put a hockey player on the can of soup. It's probably the only thing you can eat without teeth." Which comedian told this joke?

A) Jay Leno
B) Conan O'Brien
C) Jackie Mason
D) Mal Z. Lawrence

2. Can you complee this Tony Randall corny skit?

Randall: "And what would you like for dinner?"
Customer: "A bowl of chicken soup."
Randall: (Yells back to the kitchen)
"One chicken!"
Customer: "Waiter, I've changed my mind. Instead of chicken soup, I want pea soup."
Randall: [Yelling back to the kitchen]

3. Who said, "The only thing chicken about Israel is their soup"?

A) Bob Hope
B) Judith Barrett, author, "Saved by Soup: More Than 100 Delciious Low- Fat Soups To Eat and Enjoy Every Day"
C) Marion Burros

4. Sen. Joe Lieberman said of his mother's chicken soup,
A) "It's batamt--delicious."
B) "It can't hurt."
C) "It's 'geshmak' (tasty)."

5. Who starred in the 1989 TV show, "Chicken Soup"? (The best part of the show was when the star went up to the rooftop alone to kvetch about life!)
A) Jackie Mason ("Dis is fantastic!")
B) Rita Karin
C) Lynn Redgrave
D) All of the above

6. "Life is Uncertain--Eat Dessert First!" ::
Buttercup Bake Shop ::
"We Cure Our Own Corned Beef:
Our Chicken Soup Cures Everything Else::
A) "Zaidy's, Denver, CO
B) "Stage Deli," NY
C) "Harold's," home of the largest sandwiches in America, NJ
D) "Ben's Deli" (NYC, L.I., FL)

7. What are the Yiddish words for "soup"?
A) "zup"
B) "yoych"
C) "klotz kasheh" (foolish question)

8. Who said, "One spoonful of her soup and I became a dragon, puffing smoke, some of it through my ears. I could feel the hot fluid mainlining it through my eyeballs. If I ever made the mistake of trying to put out the fire by swallowing cold water, I found myself percolating... To a kid coming home from school there is no warmer reception than soup vapor spelling out 'Welcome home!'...I am not naive enough to think that soup or meatballs is a cure-all for drug addiction. I cite them only as symbols of the relationship between child and home. They have a good moral odor."
A) Michael Wex ("How to Be a Mentsh (& Not a Shmuck")
B) Sam Levenson ("In One Era & Out the Other"
C) David Sax ("Save the Deli")

9. The fabulous wealthy banker, Baron von Rothschild was traveling through the countryside and stopped for breakfast at a little deli. The soup was absolutely delicious. When he finished, the waiter brought him "der khezhbn" (the bill).
Rothschild was stunned: $100 for a bowl of chicken soup. That's impossible. Is chicken soup so rare in these parts? No, replied the waiter, but _______________________.
Complete this joke

10. Which comedian said on stage, "My mother cured everything with chicken soup. We always prayed she was right; her second choice was an enema ("kane")?
A) Joey Adams
B) Don Rickles
C) Alan King

1. A
2. "Hold the chicken and make it pea."
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. A and B
8. B
9. Rothschilds are."
10. C


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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