the schmooze

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York


George Carlin, may you rest in peace.  The seven dirty words are seven English words comedian George Carln listed in his monologue, "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," released in 1972 on his album, Class Clown.  At that time, the words were considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for use on the public airways in the U. S.

Carlin said, "These are the ones that will curve your spine, grow hair on your hands and (laughter) maybe even bring us, God help us, peace without honor (laughter) um, and a bourbon."  (laughter)

By the way, Joan Rivers used two of these words in Britain and got thrown off of television.

Of what significance is the number 7?

.  A college admissions committee spends on average 7 minutes with each application.  (

.  7% of Americans think Elvis is alive.

.  In Elie Wiesel's book, "Night," he wrote,

Never shall I forget that night the first night in the camp which has turned my lfe into one long  night, seven times cursed and seven times  sealed...

.  Kabbalah teaches that 7 represents wholeness and completion.

.  There are 6 directions in our world: north, south, east, west, up and down. Add to that the place where you are, and you have a total of 7 points of reference.

.  When a relative dies, we sit Shiva for 7 days.

.  Noah sent the dove and the raven out of the Ark for 7 days to inspect the weather conditions.

.  Nachum Braverman ("The Bible For the Clueless But Curious") tells us that God gives Noah seven commandments that apply to the entire world--Jew and gentile alike.  They are called the Seven Noahide Commands.

.  God created 7 levels of heaven, thus we have the expression, "I'm in 7th heaven."

.  We wind the Tefillin straps around the arm 7 times.

.  Rabbi Anchelle Perl introduced HIS 7 special words at a Lunch & Learn meeting on June 25, 2008.  He writes that "a group of Long Island Rabbis have now gone into hiding to discuss the immediate importance of finally revealing to the world the "Seven Words You Can Never Say in Shul."  He writes that "Several leading Rabbis have left their witness protection program to attend this "Seven Word Conference."

Now for MY favorite lists:

7 Jewish-Themed Messages in a Fortune Cookie

Americans, and especially Jews, have embraced Chinese food, both as takeout comfort food as well as for "di simkhe." Fortune cookies are as American-born as "epl" pie.

1.  Finish your vegetables.  There are  children in Beverly Hills with eating disorders.

2.  May your pastrami never have mayonnaise on it.

3.  So, you were expecting a Dead Sea Scroll maybe?

4.  Some day you'll be a Jewish mother-- then you'll always be right,

5.  Ess.  Ess.  You need strength to worry.

6.  It takes two to make a Jewish marriage.. a girl and her mother!

7.  In business it's who you know...gelt by association.

7 Jewish Motorcycle Clubs

1.  King David Motorcycle Club
2.  Star of David Bikers
3.  Chai Riders Motorcycle Club
4.  The Tribe Motorcycle Club
5.  YOW (Yidden on Wheels)
6.  Semites on Bikes
7.  Chaiway Riders Motorcycle Touring Club

7 Yiddish words for a "slap"

In 2007, the California Legislature considered criminalizing the spanking of toddlers.  What does God say?  "That we don't take our anger out on others."

1.  "zets"
2.  "patsh"
3.  "klap"
4.  "flem"
5.  "frask"
6.  "khmal/khmalye"
7.  "shalsheles" (an ascending series of "petch" that alternates from cheek to cheek.)  Thank you, Michael Wex.

7 Yiddish "S" words as defined by Jackie Mason ("How to Talk Jewish") :

1.  "schlemiel"
2.  "schlamazel"
3.  "schlock"
4.  "schmaltz"
5.  "schmeer"
6.  "schnorrer"
7.  "shlog zich kop in vant" (go hit your head against the wall)

7 Yiddish words used by Billy Crystal in his Broadway show, "700 Sundays" :

1.  "schtupp"
2.  "fakakta"
3.  "shiksa"
4.  "bissel"
5.  "tsimmis"
6.  "shiva"
7.  "goniff"

7 New York Yiddish writers who lived in Sea Gate, Brooklyn, a community at the very tip of Coney Island

1.  I. J. Singer
2.  Peretz Hirschbein
3.  Avrom Reisen
4.  Moyshe Nadir
5.  Itzik Manger
6.  Isaac Bashevis Singer
7.  Marjorie Guthrie's mother, Aliza Greenblatt, author of "Si Geyt afn yam" (Sea Gate by the Sea)  Source:  "Outwitting History - The   Amazing Adventures of a Man Who  Rescued a Million Yiddish Books" by  Aaron Lansky

7 Words included in a crash course in Yiddish given by Assembly Speaker, Robert M. Hertzberg.  (He wants to make sure members don't get farblondjet when us alter kakhers of the Assembly make a megillah about our bills.)

1.  "kine-hora"
2.  "farputst"
3.  "emmes"
4.  "chaloshes"
5.  "boychik"
6.  "Bobbe-myseh"
7.  "farblondjet"

7 Yiddish words included in "Mamaleh!"-- A Musical for Everyone (Crest Theatre, Delray Beach, FL)

1.  "mamaleh"
2.  "genug"
3.  "grivennis"
4.  "mishegoss"
5.  "mohel"
6.  "oy vey!"
7.  "Bubbe"

7 Good Words

1.  "Git Shabes"/"Gut Shabbos"
2.  "Git yoor"/A Gut yor"
3.  "Git Yontef"/"Gut Yontev"
4.  "Giteh vokh"
5.  "Gute neshome"
6  "Gitn Tug"
7.  "Shainer yid, a getrayer yid"

7 Jewish single websites
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is sick of the dating scene.  He believes that Jewish singles place utmost importance on superficial values-- such as looks and money--when seeking a lifelong mate.  He wrote, "Only people with the right packaging get noticed, and it's un-Jewish."

1.  JDate
7. (Rabbi Boteach's  dating website)

7 Yiddish words used by Will Shortz in his crossword puzzles

1.  "mensch"
2.  "kvell"
3.  "shnoz"
4.  "oys" (plural of exclamation)
5.  "golem"
6.  "gelt"
7.  "tov" (as part of "Mazel-tov")

7 Jobs for a nice Jewish lady

1.  "mikve lady' (supervises the immersion in the mikve)
2.  "sheytl-makhern" (wig maker)
3.  "shatkhn" (marriage broker)
4. "zamler" (book collector for the National Yiddish Book Center)
5.  "Mezuzah Examiner"/"Mezuzah Doctor" Halacha requires you to check your mezuzot every 3 l/2 years.
6.  "tummler" (noisemaker)
7.  Salesperson for "Renta Yenta"--a party-planning/personal assistant firm or service


Marjorie Wolfe says, " The only thing worse
than growing old is to be denied the


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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