the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York
The Florida gal, Kelly Hildebrandt, may never have heard of the Yiddish word, "bashert"--intended/inevitable.  She is probably unfamiliar with the Yiddish proverb, "As es kumtdein basherter, vest es visen in tsva verter."  (When your destined spouse appears, you'll know it when you hear the first spoken word.) She doesn't know that a "shadkhn" is a marriage broker.

Facebook has once again been the catalyst for romance.  Kelly Hildebrandt, 20, searched HER NAME on Facebook and discovered one match:  a Lubbock, Texas, fellow with "punkt" (exactly) the same first name, same last name, and--bonus--a torso unrestrained by a shirt.  She sent a note: "Hi.  We had the same name.  Thought it was cool."  Kelly boy, 24, was intrigued.

They kept the cyber chatter going for 3 months and then Kelly boy took off for Coral Springs, Florida to meet his "shpigl!" (mirror) image in the flesh.

Their "viral flirting" led to an engagement and they will be married this October.  Some columnists have written that this love story sounds like an Abbott-Costello routine.

Imagine how The New York Times WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS would share this "simcha" with its Sunday readers: 

                    KELLY HILDEBRANDT,
                    KELLY HILDEBRANDT

A note to our readers:  This is not a typo! The drive for accuracy never relents at The Times.  Kelly Hindebrandt and Kelly Hindebrandt will take their vows tomorrow at the Lighthouse Point Yacht & Racquet Club in S. Florida.

The couple didn't meet through a certified professional matchmaker (think Yente, Beatrice Arthur, in "Fiddler on the Roof"). No "shadkhn" was needed.  They didn't meet through SpeedDating, HurryDate, PerfectMatch, JDate or Frumster.  They met via Facebook.

To prevent "tsemishung" (confusion), the future Mrs. Hildebrandt refers to herself as "Kelly girl," and the future groom is called "Kelly boy."

"Kelly girl" is a student at a local community college.  "Kelly boy" works in financial services.

Rumor has it that American pop singer/ songwriter, Kelly Clarkson, will perform at the wedding.  Her songs:  "My Life Would Suck Without You," "Some Kind of Miracle," and "A Moment Like This."

"Kelly girl" said there are no plans to pass along the name to future children.  "No," she said, "We're definitely not going to name our kids Kelly."

The bride is keeping her name. _________________________________________

Over the years, The New York Times has had to publish many corrections regarding listings in their WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS pages:

On March 21, 2004, they wrote:    A report on Feb. 15 about the wedding of Riva Golan Ritvo and Alan Bruce Slifka included an erroneous account of the bride's education, which she supplied.

   Ms. Ritvo, a child therapist, did not graduate from the University of Pennsylvania or receive a master's degree in occupational therapy or a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Southern California.  Though she attended Penn for a time, her bachelor's degree, in occupational therapy, is from U.S.C.

   The Times should have corroborated the credentials before publishing the report.

On January 31, 1999, this correction appeared:

   A column about the marriage of Lisa Goodman Cohen and Lewis Jeffrey Liman, misspelled part of the name of the hotel in Katmandu where the couple planned to stay on their honeymoon.  It is the Yak and Yeti, not Yetti.

On February 6, 1994, this correction appeared:

   A report about the wedding of Sara Mullen Graff (Sally) Cooke and Alexander K. (Ike) Lawrence was incorrect.  After the report was printed, Miss Cooke said the ceremony had been canceled. (Source:  "Kill Duck Before Serving - Red Faces at The New York Times," Edited by Linda Amster and Dylan Loeb McClain.)

And now for a simply wonderful 2009 book, "Kasper Hauser's Weddings of the Times - A Parody" by The Kasper Hauser Comedy Group.  Here we find many wedding announcements  My favorite three are included below.

The authors remind us that "a wedding announcement is a window into the goofball daydream a couple can have about itself....It is as foolhardy and beautiful as, well, actually getting married."

                 ALLISON MILES,
                 GERALD VAN BRUCK

   Allison Miles and Gerald Van Bruck were married on Saturday at the Lido Beach Resort in Sarasota, Fla.

   The couple met at the University of Pennsylvania, where they both studied economics, she graduating summa cum laude, he magna cum laude.

   "Summa cum laude translates from the Latin as 'with highest honor' or 'with highest praise,'" said the bride.  "Magna cum laude is a notch below, but still a great achievement.  Gerald should be proud."      "If you take easier classes, like Allison did, you're going to get better grades," said the bridegroom  "And that's gonna inflate your 'cum laude.'"

            MARTA MUNOZ,
            TYSON COLLINS

   Tyson Collins and Marta Munoz were married last week atthe Two Leaves Yoga Studio in San Anselmo, Calif.  Yoga instructor, Brian T. performed the ceremony.

   Brian T., who teaches Rejuvenation Yoga on Thursday afternoons, Hot Yoga for Hot Singles on Friday nights, and the regular advanced Hatha classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, led the guests through an invigorating, beginners-included set of poses, starting wth Sukasana (seagull pose), proceeding to Matsayasana (terrier pose) and ending on a relaxing and tranquility-inducing Chaturanga Dandasana (inverted corn snake).

   "It was a beautiful ceremony," said the bride's sister.  "When Brian T. led us through the meditative breathing exercises, I felt two gallons of energy just shoot out my back."
                DEBORAH STEINMETZ,
                KYLE BAKER

   Deborah Steinmetz married Kyle Baker in a private ceremony on the bluffs in Moss Beach, Ca.  The ceremony was performed by Leonard Coates, a minister of the Universal Life Church.

   The bride, 52, flies United, and has Premiere Excutive status. She is also a Gold Member with the Star Alliance.  She will be keeping her name.

  The bridegroom, 55, has a United Mileage Plus account, but prefers American Airlines, where he has AAdvantage Elite Status.

   Ms. Steinmetz's parents, Jackie Lynn Steinmetz and George Steinmetz also fly United, although they have never achieved Premiere Status.

   Mr. Baker's parents, Linda and Doug Baker, are Mile High Club members on the Fung Wah Bus.

   And the final correction, also contained in "Weddings of the Times," is as follows:

   Maria Dancy, Carlos Henninger.  The "State of the Union" feature on Maria Dancy and Carlos Henninger reported that they have been happily married for 10 years.  The article should have stated that they were happy during the first, second, fifth, seventh, and ninth years.

Marjorie (Gottlieb) Wolfe's marriage to Howard Ira Wolfe in 1955 was NOT listed in The New York Times.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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