the schmooze


Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

A new study by Dr. Laura Mickes, published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, stated that men are perceived to be slightly funnier than women. Is it a stereotype that men are funnier...or do men tend to use profanity and sexual humor more often than women?

Susie Essman said, "Jews have been in comedy forever. But being female and being a comedian, that was much more of a novelty."

Shown below are some jokes told by famous comedians on various topics. You choose which is the funniest in each category.

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
Red Buttons Funniest

"My wife and I get headaches the same time. We would have divorced years ago but neither of us wanted custody of the kid."
Joey Bishop Funniest

"My kid drives me nuts.
For three years now he goes to private school. He won't tell me where it is." Rodney Dangerfield Funniest

"He was born at home, but when his mother saw him, she went to the hospital."
Henny Youngman Funniest


"Catskills, the only mountain range in the world that if Obama bin Laden was hiding there, somebody would say to him, 'Oh, so you're single?'"
Billy Crystal Funniest

"When I play a date at a gentile club and I get a headache--I'm not given to headaches, but once in a while I get a headache--I could walk around the area a whole day and not find a single person with aspirin. But when I used to walk into Grossinger's and say I have a headache, five thousand yentas were opening pillboxes."
Jackie Mason Funniest

"In my family, the women die clutching their teeth in one hand and a bottle of Miss Clairol in the other."
Joy Behar Funniest

"People did not smile much in my neighborhood. At first I thought they were unhappy, and then I realized that it was probably because everyone seemed to have teeth missing. Apparently, dentistry stopped at Exit 59 [on the L.I.E.]."
Source unknown Funniest

"Women will be wearing the same thing in brassieres this year."
Carol Burnett Funniest

"I'm sure my wife will live forever. She has nothing but dresses she wouldn't be found dead in."
Don Adams Funniest

"Princess Di wears more clothes in one day than Gandhi wore in his whole life."
Joan Rivers Funniest

"Eighty-year-old Jewish women are walking around with torn jeans on Fifth Avenue and they call it couture."
Jackie Mason Funniest

"High heels should be outlawed (at the very least there should be a five-day waiting period before you can buy them). They destroy your feet. It should be mandatory that the Surgeon General print a warning label on high heels like they do on a package of cigarettes (i.e. Warning: these shoes can lead to lower back pain, aching toes, and the illusion that you're taller than you actually are).
Ellen DeGeneres Funniest

Happiness is "getting a brown gravy stain on a brown dress."
Totie Fields Funniest

[on her wearing furs, ruffles, and feathers] "You look fat in fox anyway, so if you start fat, you only look a little fatter."
Totie Fields Funniest

"I told my doctor, 'I want to get a vasectomy.' He said with a face like mine, I don't need one."
Rodney Dangerfield Funniest

"A man had nine children and his wife told him to get a vasectomy. So he got it done at Sears. Now, whenever he makes love, the garage door opens."
Henny Youngman Funniest

"What do you eat for dinner? Furniture?"
Don Rickles Funniest

"Have you heard about the remake of Passion Fish? It's called Gefilte Fish with Barbra Streisand and Whoopy Goldberg. Not to be missed."
Suzy Berger Funniest

"When I was a kid we all overate. The only proof mamma had that she was a good mother was the fact that her children were fat. To my mother, if you didn't bulge, you were skinny. I had 'baby fat' until I was 37 years old."
Sam Levenson Funniest

"The catch of the day was hepatitus."
Henny Youngman Funniest

"I used to look like Cary Grant, but not after being hit with 19,000 pies."
Soupy Sales Funniest

[from "Good Morning World" - 1967] "I have to go home and get my toast out of the clothes dryer."
Goldie Hawn Funniest

"I was going to vote for [Dan] Quayle, you know, because I'm a comedian, and nothing could be funnier than that."
Wendy Liebman Funniest

"Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then--we elected them."
Lily Tomlin Funniest

"The problem with practical jokes is that very often they get elected."
Will Rogers Funniest


"If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question."
Lily Tomlin Funniest

[advice for brides]
"Burn the toast so he won't notice the coffee."
Phyllis Diller Funniest

[revelations about her wacky family - in Brooklynese]
She has "an aunt who advises her not to sleep with a man before getting a ring... saying, "No setting, no mounting." Adrianna Tolsch Funniest

"If he's the best man why is the bride marrying the groom?"
Jerry Seinfeld Funniest

"A bachelor is a man who never made the same mistake once."
Ed Wynn Funniest

"Take my wife--please!"
Henny Youngman Funniest

"A Russian comedian has to be careful what jokes he tells. If you say 'Take My Wife, Please,' when you come home, she's gone."
Yaacov Smirnoff Funniest

"Divorce is when a husband no longer has to bring the money home to his wife--he can mail it."
Joey Adams Funniest

"Will you be home between April and November?"
Lily Tomlin Funniest

"This woman [Elizabeth Taylor] has more chins than a Chinese phone book."
Joan Rivers Funniest

"I wish I had a twin so I could know what I'd look like without surgery."
Joan Rivers Funniest

"I have everything I had 20 years ago--only it's a little bit lower."
Lucille Ball Funniest

"Madonna and Sean Penn--Beauty and the beast, but guess which one."
Joan Rivers

"Misers aren't fun to live with--but they make wonderful ancestors."
David Brenner Funniest

"People say money is not the key to happiness, but I've always figured if you have enough money, you can get a key made."
Joan Rivers Funniest

"Where it used to say 'In God We Trust,' it now says 'Lotsa Luck.'"
Phyllis Diller Funniest

"I think it's wonderful--I hardly ever watch radio anymore."
Gracie Allen Funniest
(Note: Gracie Allen once ran for Governess of the State of Coma.)

[while creating a character who was a child who had long blond hair]
"When I get big, I'm going to get on 'The Love Boat' but you have to have long blond hair. I'm going to be blue-eyed and white. I told my mother I didn't want to be black no more." The only problem remaining was how to get white, since 'bathing in Clorox' didn't work."
Whoopi Goldberg Funniest

Teacher to parent: "...We had a little quiz the other day on reproductive organs and he [5-year-old son] defined every one of them as Askyourfather. You are sending a child into the world who thinks Masters and Johnson is a golf tournament and fertilization is something you do in the fall to make the lawns green."
Erma Bombeck Funniest


"I know my capacity for drinking--the only trouble is I get drunk before I reach it."
Dean Martin Funniest

"When people ask me if Dean Martin drank, let me put it this way. If Dracula bit Dean in the neck, he'd get a Bloody Mary."
Red Buttons Funniest

"Out in Las Vegas, they have traffic lights that say--'STOP'--'GO'--and '6 to 5 YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT.'"
Myron Cohen Funniest

"Oh, sure, nowadays they try to make it look like Vegas is a place where you should bring the whole family. There's amusement parks, rides, shows. Something for everyone.

But everything becomes clear when you put your kids on the Ferris wheel, then find out you can bet on them."
Ray Romano Funniest

"I'm against sex education in schools - What these kids need is a book on how to avoid it."
Goldie Hawn Funniest

"My first guidance challenge appeared on the first day of my new assignment. A young girl told me that her friend was 'in trouble.' I knew and she knew that she didn't mean her friend had lost her report card. It seemed that while her friend had never learned to add, she had somehow learned to multiply." Sam Levenson "In One Era & Out the Other" Funniest

"I have a daughter who goes to SMU. She could've gone to UCLA here in California, but it's one more letter she'd have to remember. She's an A student. All she knows is how to say 'Ayyyyyy.'"
Shecky Greene Funniest

"Red is a gang color; don't wear your red bathrobe when you take out the garbage. Underwire bras set off airlne security alarms. Always go to the bathroom before getting on a long line. Gee, thanks, Mom."
Amy Borkowsky Funniest

"You know what my mother's attitude was toward raising children? She used to say to my father, 'Go outside and see what Sammy is doing and tell him to stop.'"
Sam Levenson Funniest

[on actress Bo Derek] "She turned down the role of Helen Keller because she couldn't remember the lines."
Joan Rivers Funniest

"BELLYBUTTON" ("der pupik")
"I bought a camera the other day. I didn't know the front from the back, so now I have 14 pictures of my navel!"
Morey Amsterdam Funniest

"I don't see myself aging. But one day it's 'do you feel a draft? Where's my shawl?'"
Michele Balan Funniest

"My ancestors wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask directions."
Elayne Boosler Funniest

"The last time I went to New York it was incredible. We circled the airport for hours. What made it incredible is, we were on a bus."
Jerry Lewis Funniest

"An ex-GI, undergoing an exam for appointment to the New York police force, was asked, 'If your beat was a lonely path in Central Park, and a beautiful young girl rushed up to you and declared that a strange man had suddenly grabbed her and kissed her, what would you do?' The GI replied without hesitation, 'I would endeavor to reconstruct the crime."
Bennett Cerf Funniest

Marjorie Wolfe's favorite example of Jewish humor: "An air raid siren goes off in Tel Aviv. Mr. Lipsky says to Mrs. Lipsky, 'Quick! Let's go to the bomb shelter!' Mrs. Lipsky says, 'Wait! I have to get my false teeth.' Mr. Lipsky says, "What do you think they're going to drop, sandwiches?'" (Source: Philip Lerman, USA Today)



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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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