the schmooze

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

The Yiddish word "rakhmones" means mercy or pity.

Should we show "rakhmones" for Sarah Palin? This "zumer" (summer) she made the news again by offering a new "vort" (word) to the English dictionary. Palin apparently used the word "refudiate" as part of her Twitter message concerning the mosque planned near Ground Zero. She said that it was a word that could be found in the "fictionary."

I checked my Oxford Dictionary and could only find the word REPUDIATE! Why I even checked search engines and Google. No success.

Many people (Paul Dickson, Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Lenore Skenazy, etc.) have come up with some "vunderlekh" made-up words. Some of my favorites are shown below:

1. "meshuggenary"
A crazy-quilt guide to kishka, klezmer... Yiddish language, culture, and history; A reference you need, like a lokh in kop! (From the book, "Meshuggenary" - Celebrating the World of Yiddish" by Steves, Levine, & Steinmetz)

2. "Bagelicious"
An attractive or voluptuous young woman. (Lenore Skenazy, "Hey, Oxford, I've got some words for you!")

3. Schmear Campaign
Political ploy wherein candidate fondly invokes any and all Jewish relatives, no matter how distant. (Lenore Skenazy)

4. "Plotz"
To sicken after reading too many screenplays. (Nancy Gibson Nash) Not to be confused with the Yiddish word "plotz," meaning to burst, explode, or collapse from excitement, surprise, or pleasure.

5. "Judicious" (redefinition)
adj. Passover recipes. (Frank Corwin)

6. "Cantaloupe" (redefinition) Parental nonconsent. (Joan Jaquish)

7. "Fla. forecast"
Flurries of guests drifting in up to five at a time. (Norman Dvoskin)

8. "Nosheria" Cafeteria for snacks.

9. "Drektions"
Misleading or lousy directions. (Time for a TripTik, Mapquest, or Garmin?)

10. "Ashkeshnozzim"
A nose the shape of Florida and the size of a medium potato. (Rabbi Benjamin Blech)

11. "Kooped"
Considered unsafe by the previous surgeon general. (Neil Ferris)

12. "Enfants gates"
Microsoft kids. (Alexa Geller)

13. "Altar eggo" Wedding breakfast. (Patsy V. Felmet)

14. "Tseularer telefon"
Yiddish for cell phone. (Benyumen Schaehter calls it "der mobilnik.")

15. "Bobbegum"
Candy one's mother gives to her grandchildren that she never gave to her own children. (Rabbi Blech)

16. "Bon Mot"
Homemade "epl" sauce.

17. "mshandle"
Calling a woman by the wrong name during intimacy. (Hank Wallace)

18. "Britalin"
Filter that provides great tasting water ("vaser") and calms your children. (Perry Fishkind)

19. "Niagaraphobia"
Fear of honeymoons. (Alexa Geller)

20. "Pin Money"
Purse at a wrestling match. (Not to be confused with a "K'nippel.")

21. "Bialyache"
The result of lunch at your mother's and dinner at your mother-in-law's. (Rabbi Blech)

22. "Odoralls"
Toddler's overalls; for obvious reasons. (Margaret Drye)

23. "Tetralemma"
It's a problem which means that you have four options, instead of three. Ex. Would you like
a) "Flanken pizzaiola Alla Shmendrick
b) "Saltimbocca Alte Kahka"
c) "Tante Leah's Braciole Con Chianti"
d) Lamb Stew Gezuntheit
(Source: "The Italian-Kosher Cookbook, by Ruth & Bob Grossman)

24. "Menuitis"
Paul Dickson term for having so many choices that you take forever ("oyf eybik") to make up your mind.

25. "Boomerang"
Slang for a grown up child who returns to live with his or her parents ("tate" - mame"). Remember the B'way show, "Alone Together," starring Janis Paige and Kevin McCarthy? George & Helene Butler's three children have flown off to begin college, set up apartments in lofts, or do whatever else chicks do in the mid '80's. They're gone! They're gone! No more "Boom Boxes," knap- sacks, preppy jokes, transcendental meditation and remarks like "Oh, Mom, that's corroded!" BUT...THEY RETURN HOME! Remember: "Among the best home furnishings are children."

26. "Thesbian"
A woman who acts gay. Anne Heche and Lindsay Lohan are noted thesbians.

27. "Puffalope"
One of those padded, puffy envelopes. (Scotch makes a Bubble Mailer!)

28. "Hygienevangelist"
One who tried to clean your teeth and save your "neshome" (soul) simultanously.

29. "Perchery"
Fishy legal testimony.

30. "Grepsella'
The first thing out of your mouth after you drink the bi-carb. (Source: "The Italian-Kosher Cookbook" by Ruth & Bob Grossman) From the Yiddish word "grepts"--belch.

31. "Hamletive"
The state of an object or person that is neither positive or negative, neither yes nor no, because it simply can't decide.

32. "Eloquacious"
Created by joining "eloquent" with "loquacious." It means "the ability to create brand new words, that sound as if they've always truly existed and mean exactly what you think they would."

33. "Chutz-spa"
An expensive, pretentious spa.

34. "Oblivia"
Things which go unnoticed or have been easily forgotten.

35. "Bellignorant/Bellignorance"
To be both bellignorant and ignorant ("umvisndik") at the same time. (This condition is most commonly found in one's boss, a difficult mother, or a "shviger" (mother-in-law).

36. "Fantabulous"
An amalgamation of fantastic and fabulous. (Think of Oreck's new vacuum cleaner ("shtoybzoyger") with a built-in radio.)

37. "Confrazzled"
n. The state of being simultaneously "tsemisht" (confused) and at the end of one's wits.

38. "Jobfusticate"
v. To arrange matter such that to other people your job appears to be so complex and technical that nobody else (least of all your boss) can "farshteyn" (understand). A combinatoin of job and obfusticate.

39. "Sinorexia"
The feeling of renewed hunger an hour after eating Chinese food. (Paul Dickson)

40. "Ummer"
A live-in partner of the opposite sex, derived from the problem encountered when introducing such a person. Ex. "I'd like you to meet ummmm-er." (Source: Herb Caen's column in the San Francisco Chronicle)

Note: Marjorie Wolfe had an Aunt Sally, who passed away at age 98. She once referred to her "significant other" as her "insignificant other."

41. "a meshpokhe mit/af tsores"
A dysfunctional Jewish family (Sylvia Schildt)

42. "Alter Kaker" - a Michael Wex(ian) drink An ounce and a half of Old Granddad whiskey and half an ounce of prune juice--on the rocks, of course.

43. "Ambifresstic"
Having the ability to eat hors d'oeuvres with both hands while maintaining a conversation.
(Source: "Drek! The Real Yiddish Your Bubbe Never Taught You" by Yetta Emmes)

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe will be speaking at the mid-Westchester JCC,
999 Wilmot Road,
Scarsdale, New York, on
Thursday, Oct. 7
Time: 1 p.m.
Topic: "The Bintel Brief"

She will also be speaking at the Orangeburg Library
20 South Greenbush Road
Orangeburg, New York
Sunday, Oct. 17, at 2 p.m.
Topic: "The Bintel Brief"

She will also be speaking at
Temple Hillel's "Shalom Club"
1000 Rosedale Road
Valley Stream, New York
on Monday, Oct. 4, at 12 noon
Topic: "The Humor of the Jewish Mother"


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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