the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

My 13-year-old grandson, Scott, is home from his 3-week "sleep-away" camp at the 92nd Street Y in NYC. As Susan Dominus reported in the New York Times, "it is a pre-professional program for teenagers who choose to focus on one of four creative fields: fashion, music, film and culinary arts. Scott majored in culinary arts at Passport NYC. He learned how to make a challah and prepared baba ghanouj and couscous in a synagogue kitchen. The camp is financed, in part, by the Foundation for Jewish Camp.

Other kids are home from Camp Ramah.
They've laundered their Ramah-in-Israel T-shirts imprinted with "Yachad Be'ramah" (Together in Ramah), and it's "vakatsye" (vacation) time with the family.

Grab a #2 pencil and let's see how well you do on this 15-question travel exam. The quiz is similar in format to ABC's, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire."

Question 1. (Worth $100)
Who said, "The only thing chicken about Israel is their soup"?
A) Bob Hope
B) David Ben Gurion
C) Golda Meir
D) Theodor Herzl

Question 2. (Worth $200)
According to Herb Kelleher, "If the Wright brothers were alive today, Wilbur would have to fire Orville to reduce costs."
A) True
B) False
C) "Vos makht dos oys"? (What difference does it make?)

Question 3. (Worth $300)
The Yiddish word meaning to cry is "veyneh." Which feminist role model gave this travel advisory: "For travelers who can't get service, I recommend crying"? (She said it worked for her on her first trip to the Soviet Union in 1962.)
A) Betty Friedan
B) Bella Abzug
C) Jane Fonda
D) Shana Alexander

Question 4. (Worth $500)
During the 1940s and 1950s virtually every child saw, "The Seven Wonders of the World" and "The Butterflies of North America." How was this possible?
A) The four TV networks--CBS, NBC, ABC, and Dumont Television--had special travel programs
B) They owned a View-Master
C) Life "zhurnal" (magazine) devoted two issues to these topics
D) This material was covered in Dick and Jane readers

Question 5. (Worth $1,000)
What is John Fountain's rule of Foreign Travel?
A) "Don't go back. It isn't there anymore."
B) "The softer the currency, the harder the toilet paper ("tualet-papir")."
C) "Wherever you travel, the weather is 'unusual' for this time of the year."
D) "The worst thing about Europe is that you can't go out in the middle of the night to get a Slurpee."

Question 6. (Worth $2,000)
According to Hal Rubenstein and Jim Mullen's article, "I'm a Travelin' Man,"
A) The 10,000-mile journey starts with a single vaccination.
B) Travelers should learn to use the Latin expression, "Aliquem de via consulamus." (Let's ask directions.)
C) Tourism is "The conscription of transients and hoboes, who are then ordered to brandish snap cameras for a half hour at the Louvre or a week at DIZZYLAND."
D) "As a member of an escorted tour, you don't even have to know the Matterhorn

Question 7. (Worth $4,000)
The Yiddish word meaning to pack is "(ayn)pakn." Which author defines "unpack" as follows:

"What the customs inspector on the little out-of-the-way, undiscovered Caribbean island where your travel agent sends you to on your honeymoon ("kushvokh") will make you do, even though there's not another one until tomorrow and even though there are thirty other people in line who look like extras from a Miami Vice rerun."

A) Paul Reiser
B) Tom Carey
C) Andy Rooney
D) Art Buchwald

Question 8. (Worth $8,000)
Who went around "di velt" (the world) in 72 days in 1890?
A) Gertrude Ederle
B) Anne Tyler ("The Accidental Tourist")
C) Nelly Bly (the pseudonym of a New York journalist named Elizabeth C. Seaman)
D) Phileas Fogg

Question 9. (Worth $16,000)
A nesomaniac is a person who is mad about
A) islands
B) forests and woods
C) railroads
D) camping out

Question 10. (Worth $32,000)
In package-tour terminology, what is meant by "Force Majeurs"?
A) Buttons that stay firmly fastened for years at home will pop off two days after you leave on your trip.
B) An event or effect that cannot be reasonably controlled or anticipated by the operator of the tour.
C) An independent tour that includes a rental car in the cost.
D) A traveler who asks a Tour Operator to find a great beach somewhere OUTSIDE the U. S., like in Hawaii.

Question 11. (Worth $64,000)
Richard A. Moran said, "When going on a business trip, pack the night before and remember that
A) the X-ray machine will show what you have packed
B) business travelers gain weight while on the road
C) a chocolate on your pillow sometimes costs you a mint.
D) if you don't like a hotel, leave.

Question 12. (Worth $125,000)
Feature films on airlines were introduced the same year as touch-tone telephone dialing. What year was that?
A) 1962
B) 1964
C) 1966
D) 1968

Question 13. (Worth $250,000)
When it looks like Ralph Kramden ("The Honeymooners") can no longer avoid admitting to Bill Davis that he's not a big shot, Norton comes up with a solution: Tell Bill you can't meet him. You've just changed jobs and you're captain of a ship, which is sailing in 20 minutes. What was the name of the ship?

A) Queen Elizabeth 2
B) Ile de France
C) Strathardle
D) The Love Boat

Question 14. (Worth $500,000)
Who wrote, "Pilots are the good guys. No one hates a pilot. Pilots are the ones who know how to do it. They're successful. They're smart, skillful and daring but careful. There's a little of Charles Lindbergh and Eddie Rickenbacker in each of them"?
A) Garrison Keillor
B) Andy Rooney
C) Billy Crystal
D) P. J. O'Rourke

Question 15. (Worth $1 million)
There is the amusing story of the two ladies who went on a very costly Mediterranean cruise. Upon their return home, they gathered their friends about them to tell all about the trip. In the course of conversation, one woman quite forgot that she had been to Rome until her companion ("bagleyter") reminded her with,
A) "Don't you remember, my dear, that's
where we fed the pigeons."
B) "Don't worry, it's a "elter" (senior) moment."
C) "Makh nit keyn tsimes fun dem." (Don't make a fuss about it.)
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A "C" was said by R. W. Jackson
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. A (Source: "Heart Of Wisdom" by Bernard S. Raskas
When asked, "When is the best time to
visit Israel," Marjorie G. Wolfe answers,
"There is no bad season to visit Israel."


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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