the schmooze

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

There's nothing new about the phrase, "hockey mom"; it dates back to 1980. Its sudden fame is due to the fact that U. S. Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, has labeled herself a "hockey mom."

A "hockey mom" is a woman with hockey- playing children, particularly one who spends lots of time driving her children to the rink and watching their games and practices.

One can even purchase a magnet which reads:

Well, how many "hockey moms" do you know who wear a shantung silk Valentino jacket worth $2,500 to the Republican National Convention?

in Bob Schieffer's new book, "America,"
he writes about Milton Berle. "Milton Berle used to tell the story of how his mother saw all his performances, led the laughter, stared down those who didn't laugh and once, when a drunk in the audience made a pass at her, did nothing until he finished his act. She wasn't about to draw attention from her son. But once he left the stage, she pummeled the man with her fists and bit him. Only a mother."

There are so many different kinds of moms but one thing is true: "A shlekhte mame iz nito." (Yiddish for "There is no such thing as a bad mother.)

Shown below is a list of various kinds of mothers. Which one resembles you?

YUMMY Young, Upwardly Mobile Mommy

Stage mother
The Americn term for someone who pushes her child into show business.

"Khinukh" (Yiddish)
"Kyoikumma" (Japanese) Education mama. A mom who spends her children's entire lives at college entrance exams, some who preregisters them for prestigious private schools before birth.

Mrs. Levenson (Sammy Levenson's Mom)
Mrs. Levenson had lots of "seykhl" (common sense). When she discovered that her kids practiced smoking, she lined them up against the wall for a mass execution and pronounced the last words:

"Look, you wanna smoke, smoke! But I want you to know what's gonna happen. First you'll smoke, then you'll gamble, then you'll drink, then you'll buy a gun, then you'll hold up a grocery store, then you'll kill somebody, then you'll go to Sing Sing, then you'll go to the death- house, then you'll go to the electric chair--and then you'll first smoke!" ("In One Era & Out the Other"
by Sam Levenson)

"Restoran" (restaurant) critic mother Fran Lebowitz (in Metropolitan Life) coined the term "Restaurant Critic mother."
A mom who for years has asked, "How was lunch dear? only to be answered with "O.K." She has spent her entire life drilling her little charge until the day when her question elicits a response such as: "Mommy, the sandwich was superb. The Superchunky Skippy was great."

MARR Mother (Mother Against Rock N' Roll) (From the B'way show, "Angry Housewives")

Momasaurus (Talking TOPS, Inc. Saurus, trademark)
n. 1. A warm, loving parental creature with the patience of a saint whose motherly job is never done.
2. Anyone who takes great pride in raising her children.

Video "Mother"
Mother who wants a "beybi", but doesn't want diapers and midnight feedings. $19.95 buys a 1-minute video called "Video Baby." You get all of the enjoy- ment of naming the little cherub, and the experience of parenthood without the mess and inconvenience.

Stella Dallas
A true-to-life story of mother love and sacrifice. Stella saw her own beloved daughter, Laurel, marry into wealth and society, and, realizing the difference in their worlds, went out of Laurel's life.

MOM Milk of Magnesia Mom

"Tsitser" Mom
Mom who goes "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!" (From Yiddish--and Leo Rosten.) Example: "Sarah Palin has a crib in the governor's office and often breastfeeds her special-needs baby discretely while doing government work. And now Palin's 17-year-old pregnant daughter will be forced to skip essential stages of childhood and quickly become a mom. Tsk. tsk. tsk. tsk.

Prolific Mom
Mom who follows the advice of Bill Cosby: "Some people have several children because they know there are going to be failures. They figure if they have a dozen, maybe one or two will work out, for having children is certainly defying the odds."

"Pat the Bunny" Mom
Mom who is president of the Long Island chapter of RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) and who adheres to the principle, "Read a good book before Hollywood ruins it."

Empty Nest Mother
Mom who responds positively to the ad for a classic one-BR residence with gleaming new Eurostyle kitchen, ceramic tile bath, and new thermopane windows that tilt in for easy cleaning...and which promise, "We'll take junior off your hands for as little as $118,800."

"Milk-and-Cookies" Mom
(Coined by David Elkind) Moms (nd dads) who have a "reverence for childhood as a stage of life which must be preserved," and who therefore have "a relaxed attitude toward their children."

Working Mom who purchases a realistic life-sized model of herself dressed in Mommy's clothes and wearing Mommy's "reyakh" (smell). A built-in audiocassette player delivers some of Mommy's favorite prerecorded messages.

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is a Mom who believes in the Hebrew expression,
"mishpacha bruchat Yeladim"--a family blessed with children.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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