the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Esquire Magazine, March 2010 ("This Way Out"), had a fascinating article by Ross McCammon, titled, "Useful Equivalents -  A One-Page Reference Guide.  He offers his readers these GENERAL MEASURES:

1 Shakira              3 cats fighting in an alley

1 tangerine
1 grapefruit          1 tangelo

3 psychologists     l psychiatrist

18 photos             1 video

14 e-mails            1 phone call

8 babies               TV deal

1 relationship      Way too much work
Shown below is my "nutsik" (useful) list of
Jewish/Yiddish equivalents:

Mame-loshn         "mother tongue"

Jewish Penicillin   Chicken soup (see

Jewish Happy Hour
                              Jews & Brews

"Floridated"        Sent to Miami

Rodney Dangerfield
                             Jacob Cohen

Gefilte fish          (think) Yiddish quenelles

Senior moment  Brain freeze (in NYC)

"Chai Rider"       Jewish motorcyclist

Couple who met
on the Internet  Result:  son named
                            "Yaacov Yahoo"

"Baleboosteh"   Molly Goldberg (radio/tv
                           show, "The Goldbergs")

"Chaim Yonkel"  Any Tom, Dick or Harry

"Moisheh Kapoyer"
                            Mr. Upside-Down!

CBM                    Corned Beef Maven

"Shadchen"        A "dealer" in livestock
                            (Henny Youngman term)

"Bagelicious"     Attractive or voluptuous
                           young woman, usually
                           (coined by Lenore Skenazy)

"Bashert"          Intended.
                          In 1994, N. J. Giordana
                          Shabot married Richard
                          Shalom.  Can you think of a
                          more bashert match than
                          Shabot Shalom!

Blintz                The Jewish answer to French
                         crepes...Not to be confused
                         with a blimp, which is how
                         you feel when you eat too
                         ("Meshuggenary -
                         Celebrating the World of
                         Yiddish" by Stevens, Levine,
                         & Steinmetz)

Toyota moment
                        "Epes iz kalyeh gevoren mit
                        dem oyto. Kent ir es
                        farrichten?"  (Something is
                        wrong with the car.  Can you
                        fix it?)

"Shporvdik"   Thrifty Jew.  Person who,
                        instead of dry cleaning a
                        business suit for $8.50,
                        donates it to The Salvation
                        Army.  They clean it/press it,
                        etc. and the "shporvdik"
                        buys the suit back for $2.50.
"Dolly Parton"
                       "Sendvitsh" at the Stage Deli:
                       2 rolls stuffed with corned
                       beef, pastrami;, cold slaw, and
                       Russian dressing.

                      A pharmacist, who as a gesture
                      of cheer to his grandmother
                      dear, relabeled a drug

Bernie Madoff

Kid with ADHD
                     Kid with "shpilkes"

"Tsores"      Trouble.  Michael Wex ("How to
                    Be a Mentsh (& Not a Shmuck)"
                    provides the best description of
                    someone with "tsores":
                    "Imagine, for instance, that
                   you're depressed.  You've lost
                   your job and are working as a
                   telemarketer; your spouse has
                   divorced you and taken the
                   kids, whom you can now see for
                   no longer than an hour at a
                   time and only under super-
                   vision at nine A.M. on alternate
                   Sundays.  You had to sell your
                   collection of Charlie Parker
                   bootleg acetates to help cover
                   your legal bills........
1 "frask" in "ponem"
                   3 timeouts

1  13-year-old "hunt"
                   1  B-A-R-K  Mitzvah

1 "maidel mit a klaidel"
                   1 cutie-pie showing off her
                   (new) dress

1 pair leather
shoes by Salvatore
                   25 pairs of "Uggs"; "tayer shukh"

1 Financial Seminar
(dispensing advice)
                  1 Wealth Management Advisor:
                  "Buy Rosh Hashanah:
                  Sell Yom Kippur"

1 JDate Membership
                   $39.99 a month.  (For an even
                   better value, purchase a 3- or
                   6-month subscription.)  Mom is

1 "Frumster" membership

1 stop kosher shopping:

1 "aktrise," Tina Fey
                  1 politician,  Sarah Palin

2 Jewish Fortune Cookies from Kosherman
                 2 delightful sayings:
                 Some day you'll be a Jewish
                 mother...then you'll always be
                 So, you were expecting a Dead
                 Sea Scroll maybe?

1 "get"       1 website:  ""

10 blind dates
                   1 "bashert"

"Chai"         $18.  1 cheap Bar Mitzvah gift

83               (age of) second Bar Mitzvah

                  Don Rickles says of Larry King:
                  "You're the only guy who would
                  ask the president of France,
                 "Don't you think she's too pretty
                 for you?'"
2 :gopls" (forks)
                  1 slice of "kez-kuchen" (cheese


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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