Mel Gibson, 54, is in the news "vider" (again)! Henry Alford's
New York Times
column, "The 10 Things To Talk About This
Weekend," lists
#1. If BP's robot subs are successful at
containment, their next assignment
should definitely be Mel Gibson.
Gibson illegedly hurled the n-word--and more--in a new racist rant. The word was used to the mother of his "lovechild," Okana Grigorieva. Yes, Mel was captured on tape in a vile, racist rant with Oksana, while their 8-month-old daughter, Lucia, was wailing in the background.
There is NEVER an excuse for using the N-word or calling his baby's mother a "bitch." Nigger is a word that is usually used in a derogatory way meaning or relating to black people. It's probably the UGLIEST racial slur ever created. Six UGLY letters! It's "a shande un a kharpe" (a shame and a disgrace). Gibson has been dropped by the William Morris agency.
Lisa Epstein wrote a book titled, "If You Can't Say Something Nice, Say It In Yiddish."
Mel, may I suggest that in the future you
use these Yiddish "n" words when talking
with Oksana, Lucia, and others. It may
prevent you from being called a "nishtgutnick"--a no-good
"nishtgutkeit"--no goodnik.
"naches"/"nakhes" Joy; gratification,
especially from the
"neshomeh" Soul, spirit
"neshomeleh" Sweetheart, darling,
sweet soul
"Nu?" Go on! Well? Come
on! But it can mean so
much more depending
on context
"nikhter" Sober
"nutsik" Helpful, useful
"nutsn" Useless
"nishtkefelecht" No big deal!
"Nit kain farshloffener
A lively person
"Nito farvos! Nito far vos!"
You're welcome.
"nosh" Snack
"Nu, dahf men huben kinder?
Does one have
"nudje" Annoying person,
"nisht gefloygen, nisht getoygen
It doesn't matter
"nit ahin, nit aher" Neither here nor there
"nu shoyn?" You done yet?
"Nit mit shiltn un nit mit lakhn ken men di
velt ibermakhn"
Neither with curses
nor with laughter can
you change the world.
Marjorie Wolfe will NOT be paying $12 to
see any Mel Gibson movie.
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