the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

If you want to know the "veter" in your part of the country,
Press 1. No kvetshn!

If you want a list of Yiddish "veter" terms,
Press 2.
"kalt" (cold)
"heys' (hot))
"varem" (warm)
"regndik" (rainy)
"zunik" (sunny)
"shney" (snow)
"nas" (wet)
"kil" (cool)

If you want to read one of David M. Bader's weather-related "Haikus For Jews,"
Press 3.

Today, mild shvitzing.
Tomorrow, so hot you'll plotz.
Five-day forecast--feh.

If you want to know who said, "I'm not a hurricane expert,"
Press 4.

Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff said that responding to criticism about the dismal federal response to Katrina.

If you want to know the meaning of the Yiddish expression, "As es shneyt, meynt es as Got flikt di kishens, un lozt aroys di federn,"
Press 5.

When it's snowing, it means God is letting the feathers out of the pillows.

If you want to speak with Norm Dvoskin, weather anchor for News 12, L. I. about his comment, "Morning Showers--Drench Toast,"
Press 6.

If you want to comment on Randy Newman's quote, "Another perfect day in L.A. one more of those sunny, 75-degree days that are as dry as a Noel Coward quip,"
Press 7.

If you want the symptoms for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and "rain avoidance" syndrome,
Press 8.

If you want to see the cartoon "The Best Years" by Ed Hechtman,
Press 9.

Two men are sitting on a park bench. One says to the other:
"Howard...Why are hurricanes named after women?"
"Because...when they arrive, they are exciting...But when they leave, they take your car and house!"

If you want to hear the Feigenbaum joke,
Press 10.

Beckie and Solly Feigenbaum are in bed. "Listen, Beckie," said Solly,"do me a favor and close "der"fentster" (the window), it's cold outside." And if I close 'der "fentster,' will it be warm outside?"

If you want to hear Norm Dvoskin's definition of a weather forecaster,
Press 11.

Weather forecaster - A person to whom one and one is two-- probably.

If you want a copy of a brochure sent to Malibu, CA, residents as part of its emergency preparedness campaign,
Press 12.

The brochure said, "Never go to the beach to watch for, or surf, a Tsunami wave!"

If you want to know what Lewis Black said about monsoons,
Press 13.

"In Arizona, they have monsoons, a wall of sand followed by water.
That's not weather, that's pottery."

If you are interested in Norm Dvoskin's Tips for forecasting weather,
Press 14.

Get a rock from somewhere, and place it somewhere like in your yard or something!
That's all you have to do, and you're ready for forecasting!!!
If you don't want to use a rock, you can use a horse ("ferd"), works just as well!!!

If it's dry-----Weather's Clear
If it's wet-----It's Raining
If it's white-----It's Snowing
If it's gone-----Tornado

If you want to know how many times Al Roker has been named (by New York magazine) as "Best Weatherman,"
Press 15.

"tsvey mol" (twice)

If you want to know the punchline for a popular cartoon in Arizona which depicts two skeletons in the desert under a cactus,
Press 16.

One tells the other, "But it's a dry heat!"

If you want to know the ending to a Norm Dvoskin tale which starts, "My favorite TV weatherman just got married. He said he was happy today, but...,
Press 17.

would be taking things four days at a time."

If you want to know the meaning of Rule No. 916 (Esquire magazine, Dec. 2005),
Press 18 + "chei"

Rule No. 916 says, "The application of human names to hurricanes is a meteorological absurdity."

If you want to know why some hurricane names are never used again,
Press 19.

If a hurricane causes great damage, its name is never used again - so as not to tempt fate, perhaps. Such"gut nayes" (good news)!

If you agree with Steven Wright that "It only rains straight down. God doesn't do windows,"
Press 20.

If you are unaware of the fact that as snow piles up in the Northeast and the glaciers continue to melt in Alaska, confused Eskimos have been migrting to Times Square,
Press 21.

According to, The Eskimos, now displaced and confused, have recently appealed to Mayor Michael Blumberg to mandate reduced parking rates for dogsleds. So far the mayor has resisted their importunities, saying "There can be no preferential treatment for any particular segment of New York society. We're all overpaying for parking space and that's actually good for the city's finances, because when people can't afford the lots and park on the street, we can issue them parking tickets. If you take a look at the city budget, you'll see that, without the income generated by parking tickets, NYC would have to make up for the shortfall by selling the island of Manhattan back to the Indians so they can open what they discovered to be their way to the American dream, casinos, and the city can tap that lucrative resource. So the question is, what do you want - reduced parking rates or casinos?"

If you agree with Steven Wright that" draughts are because God didn't pay his water bill,"
Press 22.

If you agree that one of the perks of being over "zekhtsik" (60) is that your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service,
Press 23.

If you are aware that climate experts William Gray and Philip Klotzbach are predicting 17 named storms in 2006, nine strengthening into hurricanes and five reaching at least category 3,
Press 24 and BEGIN "DAVENEN" NOW!

If you want to know the rule about dwelling in the Sukkah during the week of Sukkot,
Press 25.

One is not obligated to suffer through bad weather or put oneself in danger to be in the sukkah.

If you want to hear what Barack Obama, the Democratic speaker, had to say about the
president's unauthorized snooping, Press 26.

He advised W to "spy on the Weather Channel, and find out when big storms are coming."

If you want to know how I am feeling, you are calling the wrong number since nobody ever asks me how I am feeling.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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