the schmooze

*H&H Bagels is a popular bagel company in Manhattan. 
It has become a New York cultural landmark featured in many TV
shows and movies (“The Office,” “How I Met Your Mother,” and “Sex and the City”)

Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

However, H&H also stands for two prominent women:  Hillary Rodham Clinton and Huma Abedin Weiner.

E-mails started in the mid 1960s. At that time, messages often got lost and could take as long as a week to reach their destination.  They were often sent at night to minimize the cost of long-distance phone calls.

Imagine if we were able to read the e-mails placed between Hillary and Huma during Anthony Weiner’s never-ending sexting problems.  :-)

Dear Huma:
I couldn’t help noticing how you stood by Anthony.  I know it was a difficult moment joining him on the campaign trail.  Loved your bright red lipstick. Studies have shown that the lip color conveys a sense of confidence.  Others have said that it gave your lips a “3-D look.”

Dear Huma:
I heard you say that your marriage, like many others, has had it ups and downs.  Robert George [N. Y. Post] says that Anthony is using you as a shield in his comeback tour.  Don’t be a political enabler!                        Hillary

Dear Huma:
Carlos Danger?  Sometimes Anthony talks like he and Carlos Danger are one?????  What’s the scoop?

Dear Hillary:
Re:   Carlos Danger.  The Urban Dictionary says that “Carlos” means “The Best Male Stripper In The World” and says that [in English], “If your name is Carlos you are Debonaire, Suave, Genteel, Godsend, Becoming Dependable, Giving, Gleeful, Goofy, Poetic, Poised, and Gleaming.”

Personally, I’m following the common sense advice of Robert J. Ackerman, Ph.D. (“A Wife’s Little Red Book”):

  Don’t use his “pet name” in front of the guys.

Dear Huma:
Bill is rather upset that you are implicitly comparing yourself to me.

Dear Huma:
“EPISTOLARY EROTICISM!”  What a great S.A.T. word!

Dear Huma:
Did Anthony actually describe you as “this intriguing, fascinating creature”?

Dear Huma:
George  Costanza (JasonAlexander) reported that “Anthony Weiner plumments in latest poll.”   I believe the term is ‘shrinkage.’”  Of course, he’s referring to a 1994 episode of Seinfeld.

Dear Hillary:
Steve Elmendorf called Anthony a “putz.”  What does it mean?

Dear Huma:
The word “putz” has nothing to do with Joseph Jason (“JJ” Putz), the major league baseball relief pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks.  In Yiddish, “putz” rhymes with nuts. According to Leo Rosten (“The New Joys of

Yiddish”), literally, putz is vulgar slang for “penis.”  He cautioned:  “Putz
is not to be used lightly or when women or  children are around.”

Dear Huma:
Yes, I read Maureen Dowd’s  column in The New York Times on July 28.
Did you really fall for Anthony  because you liked his “Borsht Belt humor”?

Dear Hillary:
Yes, he had a good sense of humor.  TODAY, I’m trying not to analyze our marriage.  Robert J. Ackerman says, “Don’t overanalyze your marriage.  That’s like yanking up a fragile indoor plant every twenty minutes to see how its roots are growing.”

Dear Hillary:
My goal:  Rule #183:  Let people know what you stand for--and what you won’t stand for.  (“Life’s Little Instruction Book” by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

Dear Hillary:
Yes, it has been the Weiner-Spitzer summer...and  Christine C. Quinn has shown herself to be a “sober-minded adult in a  chaotic campaign.” (Michael  Barbara and E. C.  Gogolak used that term.)  No, she hasn’t hired prostitutes or sent lewd self-portraits to strangers.

Dear Huma:
Wow!  What a confrontation between Anthony and retired NYC schoolteacher, Peg Brunda.  She actually refused to shake his hand and told him that he lacked the “moral authority” to run the city.  : (

Dear Huma:
Yes, I saw the cover of The New Yorker [Aug. 6, 2013], with Anthony straddling the Empire State Building.  In his left hand he holds a smart- phone.

May I make a suggestion:  Use YOUR smart phone and make an appointment with a marriage counselor.  Tom Carey (“The Marriage Dictionary”) defines a marriage counselor as follows:

  Professional who will help you and your spouse to communicate   more efficiently, to discuss disagreements in a fair and rational   manner, and to divide the responsibilities of your marriage so that   you will be celebrating your love for one another, and stay together   long enough for her to make a down payment on a new BMW.

Dear Hillary:
Anthony and I are already getting counseling.  Our psychologist recently quoted Less Parrott, Ph.D., who said, “In our society, people are obsessed with the idea that there’s a single person who will make them happy.”  (Anthony uses the Yiddish words, “gliklekh”/”freylekh” for happy.)  Eventually, though, most men wise up to the fact that happiness isn’t about finding the right woman--it’s about BECOMING THE RIGHT MAN.”

Dear Huma:
Sydney Leathers?  Is she really modeling leather skirts and jackets for clothing line Apparel NY?  I read that she booked the gig by reaching out to the clothing company and offering her services through a cold e-mail to the address on its site.  She’s being paid a flat fee plus commission.

Dear Hillary:
It’s true!  But, it’s something I don’t care about.  Queen Latifah was right: “I don’t want to be a supermodel; I want to be a role model.”

Dear Huma:
Loved the picture of 20-month-old Jordan Zane.  Tell Anthony to sing him “Tinkle, tinkle little star.”  Joan Rivers (“Having A Baby Can Be A Scream”) got this advice from her doctor:  “If the little boy has not learned to stand up and urinate by the age of two, he’ll catch on when he sees how his father or older boys do.  Try making a game of it.  Cut some circles of bright colored paper and float them in the toilet bowl. Then have him play ‘hit the target’ with his father or brother.  Even after he seems to be trained, there are going to be ‘accidents’ for one reason or another--stress or excitement or cold weather, or a  change of scene, etc.”

Joan Rivers also received this advice from her doctor:  “After a while the child should be creating his own interests and meeting the world on his own terms.  But if the parents are always anticipating him, picking him up, showing him off, and getting into a stew when he’s sick or badly behaved, that baby’s going to believe he’s the brightest star in the whole solar system.  He’ll expect everybody to find him charming and lovable without his making any effort to be charming and lovable.  And do you know how he’ll end up? “

Joan:  “As President of the United States?”

Dear Hillary:
Mark Jacobson wrote in New York magazine that you routinely referred to me as “surrogate daughter,” right alongside Chelsea.  Is that true?

Dear Huma:
Yes, dear.

Dear Huma,
Re:  Anthony’s lying.  It’s interesting why men--and women--lie. According to Social Psychologist, Robert Friedman, “women and men tell lies with the same frequency...Women generally tried to smooth out social situations.  They try to make everyone feel good.  Men tend to be more competitive.  One way to be more competitive is to build yourself up... Women would say they liked a movie that they’d never seen, just to make their conversational partner feel better.  Men, on the other hand, lied to make themselves look better.  One subject bragged that his rock band had landed a recording contract, when in reality he could barely play guitar...”   (Source:  “The Little Red Book,” The Week)

Dear Hillary:
A Yiddish-speaking woman in my new building on Park Avenue South, said, “A meshpokhe mit af tsores” or “mit problemen.”  I think she calls us a dysfunctional family.

Dear Huma:
Yes, Timothy Dolan, who has been watching the mayor’s race  closely, said, “I don’t want to judge anybody.  I think redemption is always possible and always God’s preference.”

Dear Hillary:
Anthony wonders what stand-up  comedian Rabbi Bob  Alper would say about my situation

Dear Huma:
He’d probably tell the story of his walking around the religious school one day where the students were writing creative prayers.  “One child wrote, ‘Dear God, please let there be world peace.’  Another child asked for an end to hunger.  And a third child wrote, ‘Dear God, please send clothes for the girls in my daddy’s magazines.’”

Dear Huma,
Mark Jacobson related a conversation you had with Anthony.  Did he really ask you if he was happy before he started running for mayor? Did you answer, “Oh, God, yes.  You were happy.”  Jacobson then said that compared to me, Anthony was an outer-borough SHMOE, the guy who ran for student government at SUNY-Plattsburgh with the slogan, ”Weiner’s on a Roll!”

The late Leo Rosten reminds us of Fred Allen, who protested on a 1947 radio program, “I’ve been standing here like a shmo for twenty minutes.”

Dear Hillary,
Yes!  From what I understand, the word “shmo/schmo” is used to describe an average nobody--like Joe Shmo.

Dear Huma:
The word “schmo” also means State Hazard Miigation Officers, and Social Health Maintenance Organizations.  The other meaning of “shmo”/”schmo” is a boob, a shlemiel, a clumsy and unlucky jerk.

Dear Huma,
Thanks for informing me that you will be taking an extended vacation time from your job.  With so many balls in the air,-- career, family, social life, and politics--you’re bound to drop at least one if you don’t achieve some balance in your life.  Bill and I are off to East Hampton.  Enjoy!


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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