the schmooze

Rue McClanahan ("The Golden Girls") has
passed away.  We'll all miss her humor.  The Yiddish words meaning "to miss" or to "long for" is "benken nokh."

"The Golden 'meydlekh' (Girls) was the comedy which focused on "fir" (4) women spending their golden years in Miami, who share their "heym," their stories and a lot of "kezkukhen" (cheesecake).  The program ran for seven seasons and ended in 1992. The only surviving member of the four stars is Betty White.

Shown below is the Yiddish guide to Rue McClanahan.

"akhzoryesdik" (cruel)
"Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without."
    Quote by McClanahan

"bluze" (blouse)
On "The Golden Girls," Sophia (Getty) would tell Blanche, "Your life's an open blouse."

"bukh" (book)
McClanahan's 2007 memoir was titled, "My First Five Husbands...and the Ones Who Got Away."

"elektronik" (electronics)
On "The Golden Girls" we hear:

Blanche:  Dorothy, where's my heating pad?
Dorothy: How should I know?
(Blanche lifts a cord running under Dorothy's "koldre" (blanket).
Blanche: Well, if this isn't it.  I'd like to know
               what other electrical appliances
               you are using under that blanket.

"eynikl" (grandchild)
On "The Golden Girls" Blanche wants to spend time with her granddaughter, Aurora, because Blanche's boyfriend thinks Aurora is Blanche's "tokhter" (daughter).

"farlegnhayt" (embarrassment)
On "The Golden Girls" Blanche is highly embarrassed when she attempts to return a "kleyd" (dress) she had already worn.  The salesperson found the dry-cleaning tags on the dress.

"gayvedik" (vain/conceited)
"People always ask me if I'm like Blanche. And I say, 'Well, Blanche was an oversexed, self-involved, man-crazy vain Southern Belle from Atlanta--and I'm not from Atlanta.'"
     McClanahan quote

"geboyrn-tog" (birthday)
McClanahan was born on 2/21/34.

"hunt" (dog); "kats" (cat)
In real life, McClanahan had eight cats and six dogs in Los Angeles.

"influentsie" (influenza/flu)
In one episode of "The Golden Girls," a week before an awards ceremony for the Volunteer of the Year, Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose each come down with a flu.
"Zolst nit visn fun azelkhe tsores."
(May you not know of such troubles.)

"khasene" (marriage)
In real life, Rue McClanahan was married six times.  Her husbands were:  Tom Bish, Norman Hartweg, Peter DiMaio, Gus Fisher, and Tom Keel.  She married Morrow Wilson in 1997.

"khaye" (animal)
McClanahan was an Honorary Director for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

"klub" (club_
On "The Golden Girls," Blanche was refused entry into the Daughters of the South "klub" because her family tree revealed that she was partly Yankee and Jewish!

"lektsye" (lecture)
McClanahan lectured to cancer support groups on "aging gracefully."

"nomen" (name)
The first clothing line that Rue McClanahan had was called "Very Rue."  Then it was changed, moved to QVC, and became "A Touch of Rue."

McClanahan won an Obie in 1970 for "Who's Happy Now," playing the "other woman" in a family "drame" (drama).

"oytomobile" (auto/car)
On "The Golden Girls" Blanche gets in a fender bender in Rose's "oytomobile," and the man sues Rose.  Blanche tries to disprove his injuries by dressing in a nurse's "kostyum" (costume).

"paskudne" (nasty)
On one episode of "The Golden Girls," Blanche, while sick, wants to watch "Another World."  (Rue briefly appeared on that soap from 1970-1971, portraying Caroline Johnson.)

"ponim" (face)
In one episode of "The Golden Girls," Blanche is convinced that her beauty is fading after attending her "mitlshul" (high school)  reunion and discovers many of her classmates have had face lifts.  She decides to have major cosmetic surgery. The episode goes:

Blanche:  I'm thinking of getting Bette
                Davis' eyes and Cheryl Tiegs' nose
                and Carol Burnett's chin.
Dorothy; I think you can get that chin from
                a catalog.

"rachmones" (compassion)
"Compassion is the foundation of everything positive, everything good.  If you carry the power of compassion to the marketplace and the dinner table, you can make your life really count."
    McClanahan quote

"royt" (red)
On "The Golden Girls," every year Blanche squeezed back into her "royt" wedding gown on her"yortog" (anniversary).  In one episode Blanche diets to ensure she will fit back in.  When she goes to try on the dress, the "blitsshlesl" (zipper) splits.

"tsvey" (2) hours
"I take the longest to get ready [for "The Golden Girls"] of anyone.  I've been going in two hours before the show every performance."
   McClanahan quote

"rak" (cancer)
In real life, McClanahan had undergone treatment for breast cancer (1997).  She also had bypass surgery in 2009.

serial dater
On "The Golden Girls," Rue is a "barimt" (famous) "serial dater."

"tante" (aunt)
Rue McClanahan played Aunt Fran for two years (1982-1984) in "Mama's Family."

"tate-mame" (parents)
McClanahan's father was a building contractor; her mother was a beautician.

"tsaytung" (newspaper)
McClanahan told The New York Times that The Golden Girls aimed to show "that when people mature, they add layers.  They don't turn into other creatures.  The truth is we all have our child, our adolescent, and your young woman living in us."

"tsunemenish" (nickname)
Rue McClanahan had the nickname, "Ruesy."  Betty White called her "Roozie."

"universitet" or "kaledzh" (college)
McClanahan graduated cum laude from the Univ. of Tulsa, with a degree in German and Theater Arts.  She was also the only female member of the school's "visnshaft" (science) "klub" (club).  She became a sister of Kappa Alpha Theta.

"yinger" (younger)
On "The Golden Girls"), when Blanche's "yinger" date, Dirk, says she reminds him of his mother.   Blanche comfortS herself with a "tsveyendik" (double) shot and an order of duck a l'orange.

"zhurnal" (journal)
On "The Golden Girls," Blanche keeps a journal of all her sexual trysts and on the "fornt" (front) cover are her initials:
          B.E.D.  (Blanche Elizabeth Deveraux)

"zun" (son)
In real life, McClanahan, had a son, Mark Bish.


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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