the schmooze


Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

Nov. 5, 2011 is S.A.T. day. Grab a #2 pencil and let's see how well you do on this not-so-serious exam.

1. Simon Cowell: Mr. Crankypants : :
a) Judge Judy : "Cranky bench mensch"
b) Tina Fey : Bossypants
c) "Gump-pany" : Friends who come over just to gripe

2. Dr. Howard Goodman recalls his doctor asking him if obesity ran in his family. "No one runs in my family," he replied. (The Jewish Week, 7/9/04)

Horizonally challenged : overweight : :
a) "zaftik" : pleasantly plump
b) "fet" : fat
c) "shver" : heavy
d) All of the above

3. "Judicious" : "Passover recipes" : :
a) "Nutritious" : tofu turkeys
b) "Nutritious" : "Bei Mir Bist Du Shon Boullabaise"
c) "Nutritious" : "Hok In Du Kupp Kidney Beans Au Vin Rouge"
d) "Nutritious" : "Broccoli Yentuh Tillebenduh"
e) All of the above

4. Seinfeld : A show about nothing : :
a) The Good Wife : a show about secrets, betrayal, new beginnings
b) Two and a Half Men : A Sheen-less sitcom
c) Modern Family : Mockumentary, which has been compared to the 1970s series, "Soap'
d) 2 Broke Girls : Lukewarm revamp of "The Odd Couple" (Hank Stuever)
e) All of the above

5. "bagelicious" : an attractive/voluptuous young woman, usually Jewish : :
a) bagel : the hole truth
b) bagel : When the set score is 6-0 (tennis slang)
c) double bagel : When the match score is 6-0, 6-0 (tennis slang)
d) triple bagel : 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 (tennis slang)
e) All of the above

6. "shiker" : drunkard : :
a) Frank Sinatra : "I feel sorry for people who don't drink when they wake up in the morning. That's as good as they're going to feel all day."
b) Frank Sinatra : "When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading."
c) Frank Sinatra : "24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
d) Frank Sinatra : "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decence to thank her."
e) None of the above

7. The "Dear Diary" column of The New
York Times (4/10/2000) carried this story:

Randee Mia Berman had just finished her annual checkup and was waiting patiently at the receptionist's desk to make a follow-up appointment. A woman appeared from behind and pushed ahead. Ms. Berman's anger crumbled into amusement ("farvaylung") when she heard the pushy one announce: "I need to schedule my next Pap SCHMEAR."

"schmear" : the business/the whole
works : :
a) "schmear" : to bribe
b) "schmear" : to coat like butter
c) "schmear" : to be excessively kind for selfish gain
d) All of the above

8. Barney : I love you. You love me. We're a happy family. : :
a) IRS : I love you. You love me. File early and we're a happy family.
b) UJA : I love you. You love me. Give a donation and we'll be "a lebedikeh velt" (happy-go-lucky poeple).
c) Both of the above

9. Miriam Weinstein ("Yiddish - A Nation Of Words") writes, "How can you tell when a woman is ready to deliver?
a) When she calls out in French, mon dieu. You send for the doctor.
b) When she cries in Russian for her mama. Mamushka, you know her time is approaching.
c) When she screams in Yiddish, dear God, gottenu, you know she is ready to deliver.
d) All of the above

10. "Schnippishok" : mythical city used in jokes and proverbs : :
a) Chelm : a mythical town in Poland
b) Lake Wobegon : Garrison Keillor's mythical town in Minnesota
c) Camelot : legendary castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur
d) Brigadoon : a village that only reappears every "hundert" (hundred) years
e) All of the above

11, The Sept. 26, 2011, a headline read:
"Rick Perry Friendly With Jewish Community Dances With Rabbis." And Perry participated in a menorah lighting at the Texas Capitol, where he dances with a group of rabbis. Perry and one of the rabbis even joke, saying, "That is the real dancing with the stars."

Bottle Dance : "flash tantz," "flaschen- tanz" : :
a) "Mezinke"/"Mezhinka" : dance of celebration reserved for parents who have just married off their last child
b) "hora" : traditional round dance of Romania and Israel
c) Gladdening of the Bride: Bride sits in the center of the circle ("krayz"). Guests dance around her in a circle, singing praises about her.
d) All of the above

12. IBS : Irritable Bowel Syndrome : :
a) Isaac Bashevis Singer
b) Internet Banking System
c) Investigative Bible Study
d) International Bulb Society

13. According to Lisa Alcalay Klug ("Cool Jew"), what miracle ("nes") may occur in the not-too-distant future?
a) Mallomars will convert to kosher
b) NYC will host the Rabbi Trading Cards Convention
c) Jewnited Airlines will take flight
d) gefilte fish will make your breath fragrant
e) All of the above

14. According to stand-up comedian, Heshy Fried ("frum satire"),
a) "Orthodox Jews don't drink Manischewitz"
b) "The only Manischewitz product that Orthodox Jews eat en masse is Tam Tams"
c) "Seltzer is a Jewish drink."
d) "Dr. Brown's is much more prevalent in the old time Jackie Mason Second Avenue deli type Jew then the haimishe hoagie crowd."
e) All of the above

15. A "pistol" is
a) slang for a pastrami sandwich at the Carnegie Deli
b) a handgun with a chamber that is integral with the barrel
c) a small hand-held firearm
d) a tiny bit (Yiddish)

16. According to Laurie Rozakis ("The Portable Jewish Mother"), when a Jewish mother prepares a meal for a family of five, the actual number of people she prepares food for is:
a) 5 ("finf")
b) 6 ("zeks")
c) 8 ("akht")
d) the population of New York City (Note: According to the latest population data, in 2010 there were approximately 8,175,133 people living in NYC.)

1. a and b
2. d
3. e b, c, d, and e are recipes from "The French-Kosher Cookbook" by Ruth & Bob Grossman, Copyright 1964.
4. e
5. e "bagelicious" was coined by Lenore Skenazy.
Note: Lisa Alcalay Klug ("Cool Jew") writes that one day, in the not-too- distant future, "Jewish physicians will solve the mystery of the hole in the bagel."
6. a b was said by Hennie Youngman;
c was said by Stephen Wright;
d was said by W. C. Fields
7. d
8. c
9. d
10. e
11. d Note: In "Fiddler on the roof" you may recall a line of black-suited men, arms linked, knees jackknifed in deep plie, brows furrowed in concentration, slowly, deliberately thrusting their legs out and propelling themselves forward without toppling the wine bottles perched precariously on their hats.
12. b, c, d
13. e
14. e
15. d Note: "d" is incorrect. A tiny bit is a "pitsl." 16. d
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe will be a guest speaker on a Viking, 8-day river cruise through southern France. Dates: Oct. 21 through Oct. 28, 2012. For more information, contact her at


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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