the schmooze
Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe
Syosset, New York

There's a new sitcom which centers on Charlotte Payne (Sophie Winkleman), one of 5 friends living in "Noo Yawk." The debut episode begins with Charlotte meeting a dating counselor (Michael Benjamin Washington). Charlotte is looking for love and has rejected multiple marriage proposals. She has yet to meet Mr. Right or, as we say in Yiddish, her "bashert."

Here's my "fuftsik" questions for the producer:

1. Is there any "emes" (truth) to the expression, "Boys are like buses, another one will come around the corner in 5 minutes"?
2. Is there really a dating service named "ChaiExpectations"?
3. Should Charlotte meet her "freynd" from JDate at the new Brooklyn restaurant named "Traif"? (It's located on the edge of Hasidic Williamsberg!)
4. What are the chances of someone meeting his/her "bashert" at the frozen aisle section of Brachs Supermarket in Lawrence, NY, or at a SuperSol?
5. Is "" aimed mostly at Conservative and Orthodox Jews?
6. Do most Jews find this joke "komish" (funny)?

Shadchan: "Have I got a girl for you! She comes with a dowry of ten thousand rubles." Young man: "That sounds interesting. Let me see her picture."
Shadchan: "Sorry, but with a ten- thousand-ruble dowry we never show pictures."

7. Did Jerry Seinfeld say, "A guy will say anything to get a woman"?
8. Are all denominations welcome on JDate?
9. Is there really a Yiddish expression that says, "To a wedding walk; to a get, run"?

10. Can one really meet his/her "muzik" (music) match on
11. Does JDate offer a discount/bulk rate to rabbis who want to buy membership accounts for their congregants?
12. Is the film, "You've Got Mail" about a couple who met via the net?
13. Did this ad actually appear in an Israeli newspaper:

Desperately seeking shmoozing! Retired senior citizen desires female companion for kvetching, kvelling, & krechtzing. Under 30 is also OK.

14. Did Chelsea Clinton meet Marc Mezvinsky on JDate?
15. Is "a sheyne shidduch" a beautiful match?
16. Does JDate really have an almost perfect 50:50 male to female ratio?
17. Is there any truth to the Yiddish saying, "A shadkhn muz zayn a ligner"? (A matchmaker must be a liar.)
18. Did report especially high traffic on days when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted?
19. Did eHarmony promote itself as the dating service your mother would approve of?
20. Is it true that [as of 4/7/2010] Frumster had had 1,664 matched members?
21. Are the 3 M's Meet, Mate, Multiply?
22. a) How can I join "8 Inning Dating" - where you sit with a diffferent person for each inning of a game?
b) Do I need to love "beysbol"?
c) Is it important to know that Roger Maris hit 61 home runs in 1961? 23. Is there a dating site named "YesNoMayB"?
24. Is matchmaking the world's second- oldest profession?
25. Is there a matchmaker gene?
26. Did Bill O'Reilly say that one should never use these ridiculous lines:
"Want to see my tattoo?"
"When I graduated from Vassar..."
27. What does it cost to join ""?
28. Should I re-read Bruce Feirstein's book, "Real Men Don't Bond"?
29. Is there really a website for single farmers, ""?
(Try breaking a date on account of a sick steer!)
30. Should I memorize "The Ten Command- ments of Jewish Dating"?
1. I am your girlfriend who brought you out of the dating pool.
(Source: "Life, Love, Lox - Real World Advice for the Modern Jewish Girl"by Carin Davis)
31. Will I find a "mensch" on the website, "SawYouAt Sinai"?
32. Did Carin Davis say, "Sometimes Jewish dating feels a lot like dancing the Hora; you just keep going in circles"?
33. Is everyone looking for a "sheyne meydl" (pretty girl)?
34. Is this Yiddish expression true: "Bay a shatkhn iz nito keyn miese kale"? (With a matchmaker there's no homely bride.)
35. Was the most famous "shatkhnte" in modern times Yente, the Matchmaker in the film version of "Fiddler on the Roof"?
36. Was Rabbi Shmuley Boteach correct when he said that "Jewish singles place utmost importance on superficial values--such as looks and money--when seeking a lifelong mate"?
37. Does the website "" run criminal background checks on users/ subscribers to ensure that they had no criminal record and were not married?
38. Is there a website named ""?
39. Did Rabbi Shmuley Boteach say, "Only people with the right packaging get noticed, and it's un-Jewish"?
40. Is it true that the co-author of "The Rules" got divorced?
41. Does "intellidating" emphasize intelligence, particularly attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events?
42. Is it true that computer-savvy Jewish mothers are using JDate to find dates for their adult children? (Some just log on and pretend to be their children!)
(Source: "The PortableJewish Mother" by Laurie Rozakis, PH.D.)
43. Does Manhattan have the highest concentration of single-person house holds in America, except for an island in Hawaii settled as a leper colony?
44. Are 35% of the people who use personal ads for dating already married?
45. Did Motel say to Tevye: "Please don't shout at me, Reb Tevye. As for being my own matchmaker, I know it's a little unusual"?
46. Did Temple Chaverim in Plainview, NY, present a performance of "Have I Got A Guy for You: What Really Happens When Mom Fixes You Up"?
47. Would you date someone who was born under the sign "Tsuris"?
48. Do people really propose on the JumboTron?
49. Is "" a site which accepts only good looking ("sheyn") members?
50. Is it true that the late Wendy Wasserstein's parents allowed her to attend Yale in the hope that she would meet a suitable Jewish man, preferably an attorney, and settle down and produce grandchildren for them?


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Marjorie Gottlieb Wolfe is the author of
two books:
yiddish for dog and cat loversbook
"Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers" and
"Are Yentas, Kibitzers, & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction?  Yiddish
Trivia."  To order a copy, go to her

NU, what are you waiting for?  Order the book!

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