jewish canada
Sephardic Kehila Centre

Association of Jewish Libraries
Audio Torah messages
B’nai Brith Canada
Canadian Hadassah WIZO Online
Cheapflights Canada
Canadian Jewish Advocacy
Canadian Jewish News
Canadian Jewish Organisation
From Pesach to Shavuot
Jewish Genealogy Society of Montreal
Jewish Communities of Canada
Jewish Community of Windsor

Jewish National Fund
Maccabi Canada
Mikvah Directory
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Youth
National Film Board
March of the Living
ORT Canada
Synagogues in Canada
Thunder Bay - The First Minyan and Synagogue
The Virtual History Tour
Uncle Eli Passover Haggadah
Canadian Jewish Archives
The Joint Authority For Jewish Zionist Education in Canada
Ve'ahavta - The Canadian Jewish Humanitarian & Relief Committee
Jewish Communities of Canada
British Columbia
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick

Congregation Agudas Israel - c
Beth Jacob Synagogue - c
History of the Community
Life in Saskatchewan from a Jewish View
Lipton Colony
Saskatoon Jewish Community Cemetery
Stories Untold: Jewish Pioneer Women 1850 - 1910

revised 4 Tishrei 5775 - September 28, 2014
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