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Thursday 26 Kislev, 5775 - December 18, 2014

As we are celebrating Hanukah, what are the "modern Maccabees" of the sports playing fields been up to during this holiday season?

Women's Basketball (Israeli Elite League):
Naama Shafir's 10 points on Dec. 15, 2014 were not enough as Elitzur Ramle lost to Herzliya at home in overtime, 69-74.

ice hockey European Ice Hockey:
Evan Kaufmann added another goal to his resume and now has 7 goals and 12 assists in 29 games for the Nuermberg Thomas Sabo Ice Tigers of the German DEL. Brett Sterling also scored another goal and now has 14 goals and 14 assists in 26 games for Salzburg EC in the Austrian hockey league. Sterling has been assessed 59 penalty minutes this season.
May they, and all the other Jewish Jocks continue to be shining lights as they march to victory.
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