jewish sports

jewish jocks

Thursday 4 Adar 2, 5774 - March 6, 2014

basketball Men's Basketball--On Feb 25, the Houston Rockets soared over the Sacramento Kings, 129-103. Omri Casspi scored just 2 points and grabbed 2 assists in 12 minutes of playing time, off the bench. On March 1, the Rockets defeated Detroit, 118-110. Casspi had one of his finest games of the season, scoring 16 points in just 15 minutes. He added 3 rebounds and 2 assists, while posting excellent shooting (4 out of 5 field goals, including 3 of 4 from three-point land, and 5 out of 6 free throws) for the evening.
basketball Women's Basketball--Elitzur Ramle, of the Israeli Elite League, beat Maccabi Ramat Chen in the semi-finals of the State Cup on March 3, 71-58. Naama Shafir scored 18 points and grabbed 7 rebounds for Ramle.
golf Women's Golf--Morgan Pressel was tied for 4th place in the HSBC Women's Champions tournament. She now has two top-10 finishes this year, and has made the cut in all 4 events she has played in 2014. Morgan has a scoring average of 70.25, with six rounds in the 60s, and 12 of her 16 rounds have been under par. Her best round in 2014 has been a 66 and her worst was a 74. She has earnings of $124,705 through March 2.

Ice Hockey--In NHL action, Calgary Flames' Mike Cammalleri scored his 224th goal of his career, a new all-time Jewish record, on March 3, 2014. In 44 games this season, Cammalleri has 22 points (14 goals and 8 assists). Playing for the Coventry Blaze of the British EIHL, Adam Henrich has 63 points (23 goals and 40 assists) and 136 penalty minutes in 41 games played. His brother, Michael Henrich, has scored 48 points (16 goals and 32 assists) in 46 games.

tennis2 Men's Tennis--After 5 events this year, Dudi Sela has a singles won-loss record of 6-5 and a doubles record of 1-2. He has earnings of $83,172 thus far this year and is ranked 61st in the World on the ATP circuit.
tennis2 Women's Tennis--After 5 events this year, Shahar Peer has a 2-5 singles won-loss record and a 3-2 doubles record. She has earned $64,074 as of March 3, and is ranked 82nd in the World on the WTA circuit.


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