jewish sports
jewish jocks
Monday 24 Adar 1, 5774 - February 24, 2014
basketball and net Men's Basketball--On Feb 19, the Houston Rockets soared over the Lakers in LA, 134-108. Omri Casspi had 7 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists in 12 minutes off the bench. On Feb 20, the Rockets had a disappointing overtime loss to the Golden State Warriors, 99-102. Casspi had 3 points and 4 rebounds in 19 minutes of playing time. Houston now has a 37-18 won-loss record this season.
basketball and basket Women's Basketball (Israeli Elite League)--Naama Shafir scored 13 points in Elitzur Ramle's 60-55 victory over Ashdod on Feb 19. Ramle now has the best record in the league--a 16-2 won-loss record, including 2 playoff games.
sochi 2014 Olympics Olympic Update: Besides Team USA's Simon Shnapir, two additional Jewish male figure skaters have won medals in Sochi. Dylan Moscovitch, from Team Canada, won a silver team medal along with his partner, Kirsten Moore-Towers, and Jason Brown of Team USA won a team bronze medal.


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