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Thursday 2 Elul, 5774 - Aug 28, 2014
NFLFor those American Football fans, following is a listing of the currently active Jewish players on the old gridiron.

Marc Trestman -- is head coach of the Chicago Bears
Brian de la Puente -- center, Chicago Bears, 6'3" (1.91 M), 306 lbs. (139 Kg.)

Two Jewish brothers:
giants Geoff Schwartz --offensive guard, NY Gants. He's a BIG BOY, standing 6'6" (1.98 M) and weighing in at 340 lbs. (154 Kg).
browns Mitchell Schwartz -- offensive tackle, Cleveland Browns, 6'5"(1.96 M), 320 lbs. (145 Kg.)
falcons Gabe Carimi -- offensive tackle, Atlanta Falcons, 6'7" (2.01 M), 316 lbs. (143 Kg.)

Erik Lorig (Jewish father) -- fullback, New Orleans Saints, 6'4" (1.93 M), 250 lbs. (113 Kg).

patriots Nate Ebner --safety, New England Patriots, 6'0" (1.83 M), 210 lbs. (95 Kg)
bengels Taylor Mays -- safety, Cincinnati Bengals, 6'3" (1.91 M), 220 lbs. (100 Kg)
steelers Adam Podlesh -- punter, Pittsburgh Steelers, he's the light-weight of the bunch, at 5'11" (1.80 M), 200 lbs. (91 Kg).
rams Adam Goldberg (Jewish father) -- guard / tackle, St. Louis Rams, 6'7" (2.01 M), 318 lbs. (144 Kg).
As of this writing, the following players are listed as free-agents: Antonio Garay, Brandon Kaufman, Kyle Kosier, Igor Olshansky.
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