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Some Notable Glasgow Jews

       The Jews of Glasgow have contributed significantly to education, science, medicine, the law, the halls of academe, local and national politics and the visual and performing arts.

Michael Simmons, one of the founders of Garnethill Synagogue,  the first purpose-built synagogue in Scotland, in 1879, served on the town council for many years. He was a magistrate and a Deputy Lieutenant of the City.
Glasgow has had two Jewish City Treasurers , Ernest, later Lord Greenhill,  and Mr Maurice Toshner.  Councillor Myer Galpern became the city's first Jewish Lord Provost in 1958. He later became a knight, Member of Parliament, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, and in 1979 a peer of the realm Mr. and later Sir Horace, Phillips was British ambassador to Turkey from 1973 to 1977. Glasgow University's first Jewish student, Asher Asher, graduated in medicine in 1856.

In 1926 the Rev Isaac Hirshow graduated in Arts, and in October 1939 became the university's first Bachelor of Music. He was given the privilege of choosing the academic colours of the new degree, blue and white.
The earliest record of a Jewish settler in Glasgow relates to Mr Isaac Cohen who was admitted a Freeman of the city in 1812. He was credited with introducing the silk (top) hat to Scotland.

Eight members of Garnethill Synagogue became university professors in chemistry, medicine, physiology, English language, psychiatry, politics and mathematics.

At the turn of the century a group of Glasgow women started a miniature health service, the Dorcas Welfare Clinic, in Abbotsford Place, Gorbals.

Dr Benno Schotz  was the  Queen’s Sculptor in Scotland.

Dr Jack E Miller was national treasurer of the British Medical Association for nine years and president of Glasgow Jewish Representative Council for three years.

Mr Richard Markson is a cellist of international fame. His mother Irene is a professional pianist.

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