haruth communications
jews of paraguay
jews paraguay 1900

  Chabad of Paraguay
History of the Jews in Paraguay
The Cemeteries
The Virtual Jewish History Tour
Union Hebraica del Paraguay

World Jewish Communities
Latin America

GP 4,960,000 ~ JP 1,000

History and Demography

The great majority of Jews live in the capital, Asuncion

Communal and Religious Life

The Paraguayan community is publicly represented by the Consejo Representativo Israelita de Paraguay. There are at least ten other Jewish organizations, including WIZO, B'nai B'rith, and several youth movements. There are three synagogues: one Ashkenazi, one Sephardi, and one affiliated with Chabad that distributes kosher food to the community. These institutions function without a rabbi. The community maintains a Jewish school, the Colegio Integral Estado de Israel, which provides both primary and secondary education for the majority of Jewish children. There is a Jewish museum with a Holocaust memorial in Asuncion.


Israel and Paraguay maintain full diplomatic relations.

Calle Yegras C/25 de Mayo
Edificio San Rafael, 8 piso
P.O. Box 1212, Asuncion
Tel. 595 21 495 097, Fax. 595 21 496 355

Consejo Representativo Israelita de Paraguay
Casilla de Correo 756
(General Diaz 657), Asuncion
Tel. 595 21 441 744, Fax. 595 21 448 289

Fed Sefaradi LatinoAmericana
Caballero 896
Inf: Dr Jacob Cohenco

Centro de Investigacion y Difusion de la Cultura
Sefardi Paraguay 1535,
1061 Buenos Aires, Argentina

revised 4 Shevat 5776 - Jan 14, 2016

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