the schmooze

Sometimes when things don't go our way we question Why is this happening. We may wonder why Hashem is letting this happen. If things continue to not go our way time and time again, we might even become discouraged by our attempts to do the right thing. At this point the evil inclination will try to rear its ugly head, don't let it. Instead, at these times it is utterly important to remember "Gam Zu Letovah - This Is Also For The Best" Following is some insight and a story to better convey the importance of having faith in Hashem even when we are upset.

Gam Zu Letovah
By Eva Gabay

Let's begin by taking for example the expression "Don't cry over spilled milk." That's just it, it's spilled what can we do. Crying wont clean it up or make it become unspilled. The bottom line is that the milk is spilled. But what if you spill the milk three times in one day. Well, it's still just that spilled milk, but now you probably have to go to the store and buy some more sooner than you thought.

Going with that thought, Let's say you go to the store but they have no milk so you have to go to another store. As your leaving the store that has no milk left you are rushing and walk into a man who has his had down over his eyes so he can hardly see where he's going. You apologize and go on continue on your way. You go to another store and you buy you're milk. Upon leaving the store you notice that you have a flat tire. At this point you may be starting to wonder why you are having such a bad day.

So now you have a flat tire and a container of milk.

You put the milk down and go to the trunk to get the tire jack and the spare. You change the tire, grab your milk and set out on your way home. As your driving you realize you left your tire jack back in the parking lot where you changed your tire. You head back to pick up your jack. As your putting your tire jack back in your car a woman asks for directions to a nearby restaurant. You tell her where it is and finally get back in your car to drive home. On the way home there is a lot of traffic and congestion. You see an ambulance and a big crowd in front of your usual store that you went to earlier.

You see a friend of yours who's one of the managers of the store and ask what's going on. He tells you that a man came in earlier and tried to rob the store and one of the customers got hurt when he grabbed them. You are shocked! You are speechless! You were just there about an hour ago, you could've been the customer! As your talking to your manager friend he sees the robber being taken out of the store and he points him out to you, you see the man, it was the person you had banged into earlier who was wearing the hat down low over his eyes being take out of the store!

When you get home you think about your day and how that could've been you who was the customer that got hurt, or worse. You think about the milk that spilled and understand that all things happen for a reason whether good or bad.
You spilled the milk, had to go buy some more, left the store, went to another store, got a flat tire, changed the tire, forgot your jack, picked up your tire jack, gave a lady directions, headed home. Why did all these things occur? Maybe so that you would avoid being the customer that got hurt. And all the time that it took to change the tire and give directions made it possible for you to see the big commotion, instead of just bypassing it and hearing about it another day.

Although an even closer look might have you thinking, well if the milk hadn't spilled in the first place, I would've avoided the whole episode completely. But the idea here is that all things happen for a reason.

Hashem wanted it to happen so it did.

You would never have took the time to think about spilled milk and the fact "Gam Zu Letovah - This Is Also for The Best" plays such a huge part in our everyday life. Maybe because of this episode, you will be able to look at life with more patience when trying to deal with annoying and otherwise upsetting situations.

In this story we see that even the most insignificant of things are a part of the days of our lives that Hashem has given us.

There will be times when we might not even be able to comprehend why things are happening or see what Hashem is trying to tell us, but that does not mean that there is no reason for it. We must have faith in Hashem and just say to ourselves when things aren't going our way "Gam Zu Letovah - This Is Also For The Best." By remembering this key phrase and making it part of our daily lives, it will make it easier to say and understand when things don't go our way.



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