kids say the cutest things 

Playing Footsie
While I was preparing dinner one evening, my six-month-old daughter, Keri, began to fuss in the next room. Christina, my four year old, offered to go give Keri her pacifier. After several minutes passed, I called to Christina, "Did you put the pacifier in her mouth?" She replied, "No, Mom. She likes my toe better!"

-Gwen Molda, Michigan  

A Snug Hug
After helping my three-year-old son, Isaac, dry off after a bath, I wrapped him in a towel and put him on my lap for a hug. I said, "Isaac, you're getting so big! What are we going to do when you're too big to fit on my lap anymore?" He replied, "Then I'm going to hold you, Mom."

-Debra Power, California  

Prehistoric Parents
Recently I realized I'd never shown my four-and-a-half-year-old son, Cameron, my baby pictures. After seeing them one day, he said, "If these are your baby pictures, where are the dinosaurs?"

-NazaninTooyserkani, California  

Power Nap?
During a recent visit with my parents, my two-year-old daughter, Kylee, sat at the kitchen table eating her lunch. My mom joined her, closed her eyes, and bowed her head to say a silent prayer for her food. Kylee watched inquisitively. As my mom raised her head and opened her eyes, Kylee asked, "Nana, did you have a nice nap?"

A Likely Lure
During the children's sermon at our church one morning, the kids sat on the steps in front of the sanctuary as our pastor explained the Bible verse, "I will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19). As he held up his fishing pole, he asked, "If I were going to fish for men, what kind of bait do you think I should use?" Without hesitation, one little boy replied, "Donuts!"

Rhonda Carter, Kansas

My husband had been encouraging our two young sons, Trenton, four, and Nathaniel, three, to be a little quicker when drying the silverware. "It'll get rusty if you leave it too long," he told them. I knew his words made an impact when a few days later, as they were drying dishes, I overheard Trenton tell Nathaniel, "Hurry up, or we'll get 'arrusted'!"

Carolyn Willms Gartke, Lithuania

A Real Cut-Up
A fellow kindergarten teacher was giving her class a lesson on using scissors. As she helped one child who was having difficulty, she asked him if he had any scissors at home. He replied, "No, but I do have two brudders!"

Dian Black, Indiana

Paying by Ear
My dad likes to amuse my two-year-old daughter, Kristin, by "magically" pulling quarters out of her ears. On a recent trip to the store, Kristin spotted a gumball machine and immediately began asking for money. I explained to her that the machine needed a quarter and I didn't have one. Wasting no time, she replied, "Well, look in my ears. Papa always finds money there."

Janice Wodka, Illinois

I Say Potato ...
One spring day, my husband was talking on the phone with our five-year-old granddaughter, Erika. He asked her if her mother had planted the garden yet, mentioning that she should plant potatoes so they could have French fries. With a slight laugh, Erika said, "PopPop, you know French fries don't come from potatoes. They come from McDonald's."

Theory of Relative-ity
One afternoon my two sons were discussing whom they might like to marry when they grow up. Three-year-old Alex said he planned to marry his newborn baby sister, with whom he was quite smitten. "Oh, you're so silly," said six-year-old Patrick. "Don't you know you can't marry relatives?" "Well, that just shows what you know," said Alex. "Just look at Mom. She married Dad, and he's her husband!"

Cindy Smith, Alabama  

Head Count
On a recent road trip, our family was talking about how God cares for us. My husband asked our three young boys if they realized God knows exactly how many hairs are on our heads. Our seven-year-old son, Jordan, replied, "Of course he knows. He counted them before he put them on!"

Angela Flippin, Mississippi  

Awesome Award
My three-year-old daughter received a certificate of achievement following her last swimming class. When my husband came home from work that evening, I handed him the cherished award. "Char-lotte, would you like to tell your daddy what this is?" I asked. Charlotte thought for a moment. "Daddy," she exclaimed in her proudest, most confident voice, "this is my terrificate!"

Carol Sachse, Texas  

Stay a While
Recently I was showing my six-year-old daughter, Alexa, a photograph of my elderly grandmother who passed away eight years ago. I told her proudly that my grandma had lived to be ninety-five years old. Upon hearing this, Alexa looked up at me with wide eyes and exclaimed, "Wow! I can't believe Jesus let her stay so long!"

Jeanne Gute, Michigan  

Up in Years
I'd been teaching my daughter, Kristie, about numbers in relation to age. I didn't realize how well she was catching on until we visited a toy store one day. Kristie picked up a game and read, "This game suitable for children ages four and up." She quickly exclaimed, "Hey, I can play this game because I'm up!"

Constance J. Haws, Texas

I put my 3 year old Son Ryan down for a nap in my room. When I came in there a few minutes later to check on him, my computer was on and MSWord was open plus a document was open too... I looked at Ryan and said .... What were you doing on my computer and he sat up in bed and said "Why MaMa I was checking my email!"  I laughed and then I said to him "if you want to play on a computer than you better go buy your" He said "I can't I don't have a credit card!"

Reesa Hutchinson, Sacramento CA  

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