torah study
letteringIt is written in the Torah
"And the writing was that of G-d's engraved (Haruth) upon the Tablets of Stone" (Exodus c32, v16).  In Pirqei Aboth (Ethics of the Fathers) it is stated in connection with the above phrase: 
"Read not  'engraved' (Haruth) but 'freedom' (Heruth),  for the only free man is one who occupies himself with the study of the Torah." 

  613 Org
Ask the Rabbi
Babylonian Talmud
Chakra and Tefillin: The Secret of Divine Illumination [Video]
Chanting Torah
I Love Torah
InnerNet Magazine
Navigating the Bible
Pure Torah
Rabbi Friedman for Jewish Learning
Rabbi Lazer Brody on Learning Torah [Video]
Real Clear Daf
Torah Reading 1st day Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Weisblum [Video]
Sedra Stats for Parsha
Shemah Yisrael Torah Network
Tanach Directory

The Joy of Torah Study and the Rabbis’ Secret
The Written Law (The Torah)
TorahFax in Cyberspace
Olam Hatorah
Torah Net
Torah Outreach Program
Torah Reading Parshat Vayitzie Aliya 1 [Video]
Torah Trope Tutor
Virtual Cantor
Weekly Parshat in Cartoon form
Weekly Torah Portion
What's Up With Tzitzit? [Video]
World Wide Halacha Center
Yemenite Tzitzit - How to Tie Rambam Knots [Video]
Yom Kippur Torah Reading Rabbi Weisblum [Video]

revised 4 Tamuz 5776 - 10 Jul 2016
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