29th Infantry Division 29 World War II Roster of the Battle Dead This Website is a gift from Adam J. Damascus, HQ1-115th Infantry Regiment

175th Infantry Regiment S

Saad, Ferris P, PVT
Sabatino, Martin T, PVT
Saben, Joseph C, PVT
Sacco, John M, SSGT
Saffel, William D, PVT
Salmanowitz, Frank, PFC
Sanchez, Eutemio, PFC
Sanders, Leo D, PFC
Santiago, Celso, PFC
Satterfield, Audalee, PVT
Savage, William T, PVT
Savery, John M, PVT
Schafer, Harlan E, PVT
Schair, Max, PFC Scheaffer, Lester H, PVT
Schenck, Harold S, PVT
Schepis, Frank G, PVT
Schepker, Herbert, PVT
Scherer, Francis E, PFC
Schickinger, Charles, SGT
Schilling, Edward W, SSGT
Schleifer, Frank R, 2LT
Schloemer, Alfred E, PVT Schmunk, Arthur F, T/4
Schneider, George, PFC
Schneiderman, Jerome, PVT
Schoff, Albert A, PFC
Scholl, Lyle M, PFC
Schreiber. Martin J. PVT
Schreiener, Milton E, T/4
Schultz, Alexander A, PFC
Schuyler, Steven B, PVT
Schwarz, Donald E, PVT
Schwarz, Harold J, SGT
Schweinsberg, George, Jr CPL
Scott, Adam, Jr, PFC
Scott, Clifton J. Sr, SGT
Scrimente, Francis R, PVT
Sebert, Ned A, PFC
Seeley, Dennis C, PFC
Sellars, Jesse F, PFC
Seman, Emil. PFC
Severin, Wilbur C, PFC
Severs, Arthur V, PFC
Sewell, Milton P, PFC
Shaddrick, William H, PVT
Shaffer, Raymond G, PVT
Shapiro, Morris, PVT
Shaughnessy, James T, PVT
Shephard, Arthur, SGT
Shepherd, Edward D, SGT
Sherrill, James E, SSGT
Shields, Joseph F, PVT
Shiflett, Charlie W, PVT
Shimek, William M, SSGT
Shipley, Elden E, PVT
Shirk, Max, PFC
Shiver, Elvis M, SGT
Shockley, Charles 0, PVT
Short, Ernie C, PVT
Showalter, Robert M, PFC
Shuman, Davis W, PVT
Shupe, Robert G, PFC
Siano, Joseph C, PVT
Sieg, Leroy 0, LT
Silva, Manuel G, CPL
Silvick, Robert, SSGT
Simmons, Harold E, MAG
Simon, John G, PVT
Simonian, James, SGT
Simpson, Howell F, PVT
Simpson, Milton D, PFC
Simpson, Ralph N, PFC
Singer, Irving, PFC
Singleton, Arlon E, PVT
Sirmans, Chandler, PVT
Slaughter, Thomas A, PVT
Slawecki, Roman W, PVT
Slot, Theodore R, PVT
Small, Hyman, TSGT
Smith, Edward J, PVT
Smith, Harold T. PVT
Smith, Henry A, PFC
Smith Henry E, PFC
Smith, Herbert L, PFC
Smith, Raymond J, SGT
Smith, Richard E, SGT Smith, William C, PVT
Smith, William C, PFC
Smithson, L. J, PFC
Snider, Charles T, PVT
Snyder, John W. Jr, TSGT
Sokey, Ellick G, SGT
Solari, Elso J, PFC
Soliday, Howard E, SGT
Sonetto, Fortunate, SGT
Sowell, Laron 0, PFC
Spendolini, John, PVT
Spofford, Joseph J, PFC
Sprinkle, Cyrus R, PVT
Spurr, John E, PFC
St.Hilaire, Louis W, PVT
St.Peter, Raymond E, PFC
Standrowicz, Francis, PFC
Stanley, Harry R, PVT
Stantial, Frederic W, SGT
Starcher, Charles A, PFC
Starkey, Stephen L, SGT
Starzyk, Adam W. Jr, SSGT
Statler, Marlin R, PFC
Steele, Eugene L, PVT
Stehn, Christian 0, SGT
Steiger, William E, PVT
Stenberg, Wayne, PVT
Stephens, Glennis C, PVT
Stephens, James M, PVT
Stephens, Richard J, PFC
Stephens, Robert V, PVT
Stevenson, Walter L, PFC
Stewart, Donald R, PFC
Stiles, Floyd H, PFC
`Stimpson, Clayton S, PFC
Stine, Charles M, PFC
Stine, Edgar T, SSGT
Stoi, Stephen J, PVT
Stoll, Robert H, PVT
Stoltenberg, Philip H, PVT
Stone, Haney, PVT
Stone, James A, PFC
Stone, James E, PVT
Stone, Warren G. Jr, PVT
Stay, Roland L, LT
Streva, August A, PVT
Strickler, William C, PFC
Strong, John M, PVT
Strong, Louis H, SGT
Stroud, James E, PVT
Strauss, Orval K, PVT
Strouse, Roland J, PVT
Stuart, Theodore A, LT
Stuckey, Othello M, PFC
Studt, Leland R, PFC
Stuka, John J, T/4
Sturm, Daniel H, LT
Sturm, John K. Jr, SGT
Styonavich, Max, PVT
Sunseri, Michael F, PFC
Surek, Joseph D, PFC
Sutcovoy, Paul J, PFC
Swab, Mike Jr, SSGT
Swartzlander, Raymond M, PVT
Sweatt, Edwin A, PVT Sweeney, James E, PFC
Sweeney, Martin W, PFC
Sweet, Lester H, PVT
Swift, Donald, SGT
Swope, John R, PFC
Sylva, Milton S, PFC
Sylvester, Joseph A, PVT Sylvia, Arthur, PFC
Szpak, John J, PVT
Last Update 8 December 2022 Haruth Communications