29th Infantry Division
World War II
Roster of the Battle Dead
This Website is a gift from
Adam J. Damascus, HQ1-115th Infantry Regiment

115th Regiment

Kaczmarczyk, Basil, LT
Kain, Lionel J, PVT
Kainhuber, Jack E, PFC
Kaiser, John F, SSGT
Kaminski, Stanley C, SSGT
Kane, Carroll B, "Kel" CPL
Kanya, John A, PVT
Kapitula, Stephen, SSGT
Kariher, Robert G, PVT
Karvaski, Joseph S.
Kassel, Edward R, LT
Kean, Robert E, PVT
Kearney, John H, PFC
Kearns, Edward M,SSGT
Keegan, Breel D, PFC
Keeler, King E, PVT
Keimig, Alfred A, PFC
Keiper, Fred G, PFC
Keller, Leslie J, PFC
Kelly, John J, PFC
Kendrick, Robert H, PVT
Kennedy, Charles P, PFC
Kennedy, Fred, LT
Kent, Melvin R, PFC
Kernooki, George A, SGT
Kerperien, Leonard D, PFC
Kerr, Alfred M, PFC
Kessler, Paul, PFC
Kickner, Oramel L, PVT
Kilgore, J. C, PVT
King, Lewis, PVT
King, Willie J, PFC
Kinlein, Francis E, SGT
Kinsella, Andrew J, SGT
Kirby, William C, SSGT
Kish, Emil G, PFC
Kiwakowski, Anthony J, PVT
Kleiser, Damon A, CPL
Klee, Toke V, PFC
Knapp, Robert C, PVT
Knaus, Joseph, PVT
Knebel, Harold G, PVT
Kniffen, Russell, SSGT
Knight, William L, PVT
Knox, Franklin J, PFC
Koebele, Francis T, PFC
Koestner, Henry N, PFC
Kohley, Daniel,W, PVT
Koloski, Anthony P. Jr, CPL
Kompa, Eugene J, PVT
Kools, Sherwood M, PVT
Kopf, Jacob W, PFC
Kordivak, Peter, LT
Kousch, Gustave M, PVT
Kowalski, Edward F, PFC
Kezar, Michael,SSGT
Kozma, James M, PFC
Krogulaki, Anthony M, PFC
Kreienkamp, Walter H, PFC
Kseyon, Elmer M, PFC
Kubaritz, Michael, PFC
Kucharski, Joseph J, TSGT
Kwiatkowski, Frank, PFC
LaCoste, Steven V, PFC
LaMont, Raymond H, PFC
LaPointe, Robert J, TSGT
LgRusso, Michael L, PVT
LaTorre, Louis lv, PFC
Labicki, Emanuel V, PFC
Ladouceur, Charles E, SSGT
Lamascus, Noble P,TSGT
Lambert, Harold N, PVT
Lambert, Ovid, PVT
Lancaster, Clifton E, PVT
Landes, Ray W. PFC
Landon, Eugene H, SGT
Lane, Joe, PVT
Lane, Rufus E, PVT
Lane, Walter E, PFC
Langan, John P, PVT
Langdon, Louis E, PFC
Lanigan, James F. Jr,SSGT
Lapka, Michael N, PVT
Lapkiewiez, Frank J, PVT
Larsen, Henry A, PVT
Larson, Vernon L, PVT
Lattaro, Anthony 0, PFC
Lavoie, Lionel J, SGT
Law, George S,SSGT
Lawrence, Leonard A, PVT
LeCato, Harry D. Jr, PVT
LeClair, Harry A. Jr, T/5
Ledbetter, Joe H, PFC
Lee, Charles G, SGT
Lee, Dennis R, PVT
Legg, Earl L, PVT
Lehman, Ryle P, SGT
Leo, Andrew J, PVT
Lesher, Chester T, PFC
Leva, Louis J, CPL
Lewis, John R, SGT
Liardi, Salvatore, PFC
Lien, Cyrus T, PFC
Ligaard, Herburne W,TSGT
Lincoln, Glen A, PVT
Lindsay, Robert H, TSGT
Lindsey, Benton W, PFC
Link, Allen, SSGT
Link, Thomas R, PVT
Lintleman, Richard C, 2LT
Liotta, Aldo, PFC
Lipps, Clarence E, PFC
Long, Johnnie C, PFC
Long, Maurice, SGT
Long, Oracio, PVT
Loveday, Marion R, PVT
Loveland, Frederick, PVT
Lowe, Carl W. PFC
Lucas, Fred W, T/5
Lucas, Martin L, PFC
Lucchino, Dominic, PFC
Lucero, Steven A, PFC
Lumeden, William E, PVT
Lun, Lee T, PVT
Longer, Charles, CPL
Lusby, Roland A,SSGT
Luther, Howard DSSGT
Lutkiewicz, Williain E, SGT
Lyons, Garland L,SSGT
Last Update 11 April 2024
Haruth Communication