29th Infantry Division
World War II
Roster of the Battle Dead
This Website is a gift from
Adam J. Damascus, HQ1-115th Infantry Regiment

111th Field Artillery Battalion

Mariels, William G. CPL
Marion, Thurman H, PFC
Milford, Clifford D, PVT
Mullins, Thornton L, LTC
Patterson, Carroll J, T/5
Perri, Samuel J, PVT
Poehlman, Jack U, 1LT
Price, Gordon G, 1LT
Quintero, Andres E, PVT
Ratliff, Arthur E, CPL
Robinson, Robert E, SGT
Rust, Harry S, PVT
Sabatino, Bernard J, CPT
Selah, Raymond E, CPL
Springer, Randolph E, PVT
Stancil, Joseph C, 1LT
Stevens, Claxton, PFC
Styron, William G, PVT
Weaver, John B, SGT
Willcox, Westmore, III, 1LT
Altice, Swanson W, T/5
Baughan, Leslie C, CPL
Berg, Edward R, PVT
Bryant, Ivan C, SGT
Buckingham, Norman D, SGT
Consolvo, Frederic E, CPT
Delak, Joseph A, PFC
De Sarno, Henry J, PVT
De Voll, Donald H, PFC
Dunkle, Clyde W, PFC
Elliott, Fitzhugh, Cpl
Freedman. Murray C, Lt
Hardiman Arthur B, T/SGT
Hemstreet, John S, PVT
Hodges Albert J, PFC
Hoeding Eugene L, Cpl
Jackson, Ernest L. Jr, PFC
Lewin, Charles T, PVT
Linsley, Louis E, Lt

Last Update 14 June 2024
Haruth Communication